(Yes, I like watching a really good sweetly-romantic movie with my sweetie ^^)
After work Ape and I watched a little Little League with our nephew's team, then went to see Nick and Nora. All apologies to Yalto, but I happen to really like Michael Cera, the goofy kid in this (and Juno, and...). I really had a great time with this movie, and it was as much the musical angle as it was the acting & storyline.
And, all respect to Yalto (and anyone else who feels the same) I think I like goofy Nick because he reminds me of me a bit. Not so much the insecure nervousness, but the singleminded dedication to his love. I went through school much the same way - desperately clinging to a relationship that didn't really exist. So I feel for people in that same boat.
Anyway, after checking in with RDB I switched to GD to see if anything was up before flagging on SCH again. Aleu was prepping or LB3 and an out-of-town trip. So there was a delay and I went ahead and flagged. Almost instantly, I got a request for main-healing in Qufim and I dashed out there. I met Sativarose and three others by the first worm camp and even with 5 we could take worms and were getting max xp. Later, a BLM joined us and we moved up to snips. XP was high but kills slowed somewhat. Even so, I wound up just shy of 25! /yay
I actually had to beg out of the party - at just after 1 I was really getting sleepy. I warned Sativa 45 minutes out, then 30. She was OK but didn't sayt anything in party chat. At 10 to go I mentioned there were no main-healers seeking save a lone WHM55, and she said not to worry as the party was over anyway. Oh...
It was a good thing too - she asked how many more kills and I said 3. I actually nodded off a bit at some point and had to fight to stay awake to the end. But I did it. The only death was Sativa's from a linked pull well before I fell asleep ^^.
Aleu came back on and I had to tell the group I was out. I'm hoping they're on sometime Saturday so I can help out.
Also also, Phax appears to be AFK - not one chat message. And Dark wasn't on either. And, ty again Yalto. He said Cera is the same in all his movies, so I asked if he expected me to change character if I changed MMOs. He said no, I'd still be a healer and would still be too nice for my own good. An already great night got a little better!
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