Yaaaay! They finally got their crap together and *got* together! I read the last 100-odd pages of book 2 elated, but fearful Ms. Carey was gonna pull a fast one and make poor Phèdre suffer some more. Thankfully, at least with Joscelin, she didn't, and the last line of the book summed it up perfectly.
Now I have to go to the bookstore again at lunchtime to buy book 3... And I suspect after finishing it, I'll feel compelled to read the second trilogy after all. At the conclusion of #2, it seems Melisande has another hand to play and Imriel is the heart of it. I can only wonder what that wench will put our heroes through in the third one.
As for Vana-time, there wasn't any last night. I had to report in to work in the evening for an install (after working a normal day-shift) and I didn't get home until midnight. I went straight to bed.
Assuming today runs normally, I'll be on after dance class. See you then?
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