Tonight was finally Besieged for me! The Mamool Ja were coming and it was going to be my night. But before that, I ran into Dark. On WHM. In West Saruta. I offered to PL him until the advance began and he and I chatted for quite awhile. Mostly about the fall of GD and the new shell he was in, TotusValidus. He pearled me but I said I might take awhile to come over.
In any case, he got three levels while I was out there with him and then it was time to go. I made my way to Al Zahbi and parked near the MH entrance. I asked Clone the Elder to listen for the battle music, expecting maybe 15-20 minutes' break, which I spent with Ape. Sure enough about 20 minutes later he calls out and I dash back to Vana'diel and get ready for what I hope is a fun and productive night.
Turns out it would be too. I capped Eva, got a point or two on Club, and moved both Divine and Enfeeb closer to the goal. I also started experimenting with the non-mana-based temp items, as normally I cast only. On club & shield I was able to boost my stats enough to hit things from time to time. For once, lol!
Eventually, Illuyankas showed up and began beating people senseless. I had been warding General Rughadjeen when the three-headed beast appeared. I got flattened a couple times too, then found the "invincible" item ^^ I used it, then a wing and hit Illy with a Hexa for pathetic damage. But it was enough that he directed his fury on me for half a minute and once the ward had fallen, I ran, only to be drawn in like 10 consecutive times! Neat!
When it was over, I had 1,500+ more LP and several needed SUs. And what the heck, I had fun too!
Which was good, because Kushi kinda peeved me. Later in my MH I was chatting with both K and Deej and K mentioned having had a rough day. I offered condolences which set her off. Why my sincere empathy is rejected I don't know, but it irked me. I'm trying to be the best friend I can and...
Anyway, I soon logged but not before hearing she'd also just started a job. If she said what kind I missed it because I logged soon after.
(Also started "Kushiel's Choice" today)
wow aerin looks like it's been an interesting year for you so far. Sorry about the linkshells. I hope everyone is doing well. Tell everyone Alima and Enzo say hi. Take care
Hey Aerin! The link pearl that Dark gave you is the ls that I am a part of now. It's really a good group of people run by Copasetic. I think Puma has a link pearl for that one as well but if you ever want to stop in and check it out they are really good about doing things for others, missions, partying, and just having a good time. Sorry to hear about GD!
Umm, Anon #2? Who is this? ^^
Also, found out from Damu that GD will persevere, at least for now. But I can only assume Arch won't be Chief any more.
Oh guess it helps if I leave my name...It's Isa! I talked to Archer yesterday briefly and he said that GD was going to stick around too!
lol Isa! I saw your POL mail note after I posted this, and a later update reflected the GD good news ^^
In any case, thanks for stopping by - I love company! And I will pop into TotusValidus soon and say hi...
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