(Fun, but my mistake and some bad luck...)
I logged in where I logged off - on a tele-pad. I was still in Milk and was thrilled to see DJ and Kepi. Kep had already made it to AU and unlocked BLU! Wow!
I jumped down and headed to the manual to repatriate. And Derf ran up! So I said "Hi" and jumped to GD for a bit. Wellll, it was good timing - Arch was setting up a Carby Mitt run. Arch, Dove, Puma, Dread and Derf were already set and I joined after the FoV warp and Explorer moogle shunt to Basty. But first Ben asked a favor - a Tele-Dem. Arch said OK and so I disbanded the Mitt party, grabbed Ben, changed subs and took him quickly. I was able to return in a matter of minutes and we were off.
The first run went pretty well. Although, even with Puma clearing tonberry hate, he and Dread were getting hit pretty badly. But Derf got his mitts without any serious danger. Then Arch commented on wanting his and basically we all said we'd just do it now. One catch - there's some kind of offering you need to pop the NM 'berry. So Puma, Derf Arch and I split off and made our wending way to another section of the temple. We had to Tele-Yhoat, make our way to the Den of Rancor and through a side tunnel, access a section of the tunnel containing a hidden set of rooms.
This is where I made my first boo-boo. Thinking I was following Derf to the rooms containing the pops for the offering. Instead of following, I wound up in a different hall and fell down a one-way ledge. Then the other three got into a royal rumble but pulled through valiantly. Then, long after I could have been helpful, I found a way to them. At least nobody needed to deathwarp or anything!
It was about this time that Dread intentionally fought and lost HP, finishing mobs in the red or orange. He explained this after I started getting uneasy. There was a short chat about my WHM proclivities, then Derf announced I was freaked because I was Siren's Healing Touch ^^ Aww!
So anyway, after nearly an hour's delay, we made our way back to the others. Back in the temple proper, and about halfway there, we ran into trouble and wiped. Just as Dread arrived to finish off the last mob that had finished poor Arch. I had reraised just as he fell and thought I was about to die again but Dread's good timing saved my fuzzy butt.
After getting patched up, we returned to the NM room, re-cleared and beat down the NM. I can't remember, but I think we lost someone (Puma?) during the fight but Arch got his oven mitts too. Then it was tele time and home.
I switched back to Milk and both Deej and Kepi were *still* on. Kep left soon after, amid some confusion over who was leaving lol. We chatted some and I headed out to finish off MNK's 16. I ended the night with all jobs at 16 or higher. Gear-dumping would have to wait though, it was time to read a bit then bedtime.
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