Aerinravage's GamerCard

Friday, September 18, 2009

Serious Content Warning

(Brace yourselves...)

I read further into Kushiel's Avatar at lunch today. I've reached the part where Phèdre concocts a /brilliant/ plan to have her consort and lover Joscelin offer themselves into service to the Mahrkagir of Drustan. In league with the priesthood known of the Eaters-of-the-Dead and a man known to have dark, violent tastes.

Sensing what was likely coming, I was hesitant to read further. I've only been hesitant to *read* further into a book once that I recall. Stephen King's "The Dark Half". Some 10 years ago. Well, gentle friends, I was hesitant then. And I was again, now. I didn't want to read about the expected raping of Phèdre at the despot's hands.

I do not like thinking about that. At all. I have many I care greatly for, and, like Joscelin, I do not know how far I would go if they suffered like that. I pray never to find out.

I also offer prayer that none of you will either, and if by chance any of you already have, I offer prayers of peace and healing.


Update ^^ After I got home, the fam packed up and we went to dinner then Barnes & Noble. I took my copy of Avatar with me and read. I didn't want to read what I expected to read alone :3

We were there for over an hour and once again, I find Phèdre is stronger than I could have imagined. God blessed and cursed and a tortured soul is she. But amazingly strong, and Joscelin bearing it right along with her. I love the two of them together! /smile

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