(Even so, too short!)
I didn't have a lot of time tonight, having promised Ape some America's Got Talent and Jay Leno time. When I awoke still in La Theine from the previous evening's duo, I finished off the remaining XP for DRG's 16. I repatriated, switched to SAM15 and grabbed almost 3k more xp for another ding.
I also tried out SAM's 2-hour, which was kinda handy against the final dhalmel I faced. I repat-ted again and geared up MNK, my final sub-16. Turns out I only need about 400xp to get that one to 16 as well, and free myself of this Brass crap.
Deej came on during my leveling and soon got an invite into a sync 29 and asked me along. I had to beg off, even though my NIN needs xp lovin'. Kepi didn't make it on before I left at 9:45 and I asked Deej to pass my greeting along.
Side note 1: Keep your wifey away from your blog, if you have one (blog or wife ^^). Mine decided to add a few lines to this post, which I caught quickly. Something about a one-player game... /sigh and /giggles
Side Note 2: Book 3 opens with a lot of sweetness between Phèdre and Joscelin - Ahhhh...!
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