I don't think I logged in "substantially" once from Tuesday to Sunday morning. I did check in from time to time but didn't do much. Between the book, Christmas shopping and other prep, and family activities (not to mention more overtime at work) it just hasn't been possible.
Friday was Ape's work party. First was about 3 hours at the rectory with almost all hands on deck. Then the party moved to the rented home of one of her co-workers. There, things got...interesting. We were supposed to see Avatar after the party but it was far too late by then.
Later that night had a fun chat with Kushi. We played "Name That Tune" for about two hours. She's got a ton of music, including DDR. Which she plays. Did not know that... ^^
But she decided to end the chat by /shaming/ me. Those of you who know me well, here, in Vana'diel or in real life, know that I don't often feel shame. I live with very little regret and am almost always sure of myself and my choices.
It came up as I mentioned the Georgia trip in the morning. I pooh-poohed the park (because I'm honestly not fond of the place) and she took me to task. She nailed me for taking things for granted. Please see closing thoughts below.
Saturday was Wild Adventures Theme Park! OK, excitement abated. It's not a bad place, and we got "gold" season passes on sale. But there's just not a lot there for me. There's only a few "real" rides and the animals seem to be on hiatus in the winter. However, there are a lot of live concerts throughout the year included in the pass price and some are of interest of each of us.
Ape and I did get to make out on the Ferris Wheel, ri~i~ight before she nearly lost an arm trying to wave to her sis, who had just arrived. Waving while the wheel was turning... It was scary - a spoke bent her arm down but thankfully didn't pinch it between the car and itself!
I may decide to go into details about "the sweater", but not tonight. It /was/ great fun tweaking BIL's mom over it tho'! :3
Sunday I was able to log in at noon and Shinmike (who was tickled I knew what that meant) was setting up Promy runs. I tried to get in and he offered me a slot in the second group. Well, nearly two hours later and Group One was still at it.
Feeling quite annoyed by this point, I bolted. I ran to the mall and blitzed the place, waking its full length and stopping in every Ape-gift-relevant store. I found one item on my list... But I did manage to survey 90+ stores and visit 10-odd in under two hours. I *know* how to shop!
Sunday evening was the Luminaria. To be honest, it's getting worse. The candy-throwing I mean. The lights and luminaries are beautiful as ever (where displayed of course) but it seems more people just want to huck cheap candy at the other lane...
When we came back we watched *Thursday's* Survivor, even though the finale was under way. That would have to wait until tomorrow.
Finished the book. It wasn't bad (and was quite steamy in parts! -whew!-) but it seemed like much more of a conventional romance. Helen's just not strong enough of a partner for Drake, IMO. Nothing like Phèdre and Joscelin at this point, although there's still some hope for her yet in the sequel. I want to get ahold of Soho soon and see what he thinks of my take.
What Lady Kushiel may not realize is that I wasn't taking it for granted. I *know* my life has been an almost non-stop embarrassment of riches, from a familial, experiential and emotional standpoint. I have led an amazingly charmed life, from unbelievable parents, a great sister, a perfect wife, and even good in-laws. I have been to several foreign countries. I have worked for large corporations and small non-profits. I have weathered many personal and family crises with these people at my side. I have seen what it is to be sated or hungry, from a financial, emotional or sustenance perspective.
I cannot name a single time I have ever wanted for something I needed. I have what I have because my parents made it a priority to give my sis and I what we needed and what we wanted, whenever possible.
I'm not positive where the shame came from, but I know that I have tried /not/ to "rub it in" because I *know* full well I have it better than most. Thanksgiving was hard because, while I was sitting there in the mountains surrounded by loved ones, I knew my friends (plural) were going through some major stuff. Fast forward to now - again, I have my amazing family (nuclear and extended) around me and I know that's more unusual than usual.