Aerinravage's GamerCard

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Weekend Update Number Something

Saturday - This was a planned "catch up" session in Rogues. Autumn and other Rogues were prepping for Promy spire runs. We were at it from 3:30 to 7:30... 2 hours assembly, 2 hours on Dem. About 40 total AFK minutes including Kiora's dinner and my drop-off of kids. Easy win - I called animas! Still need my Holla, and Demire was very consoling about it :3

Got gear mostly sorted off Jesup ):

Gators were humiliated by the Crimson Tide. Sorry Tebow!

Keeping in a football mindset, we saw The Blind Side. Really good, if a little dramatic. Then Ape and I went to Taco Bell for a snack and all four of us ate Mexican fast food at 1:30am...

Sunday - Church, Shopping, Amazing Race. Meghan and Cheyne won. It seemed close but ultimately, the casino chip count to a million is what did the others in - only M&S got it right the first time.

Brutal Dunes party on SAM - couldn't get a full boat together but 4 of us soloed when the 5th left. Actually did respectably as SAM, SAM, THF, THF. only healing was from /DNC and rests and book buffs. Started having trouble and wiped. Ero got peeved and left and Archer came to rescue Dove and Tab. Soho came by to /poke me. Really need to get that guy a hobby ^^

At 11-ish I saw that the Adult Swim Christmas shows were coming up so I stayed up 'til 1am watching, laughing and AIMing. Deej was on and we had a great chat. My Little Ponies were discussed. Kush was on but mostly silent.

Oh, oh! Finally saw Mighty Boosh. Had seen previews, and even heard an NPR interview. But tonight was the first time I sat down and watched. Much much funnier than I'd expected - perfect Brit humour ^^

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