Got on close to 10 and found another Jungle party underway. But I'd gotten in with Ghost and Wenz on Ghost's LB1 farming and the party was full. Until about halfway into our time in the Nest's basement, that is ^^ Would love to have gone but couldn't bail on Ghost. (Deej took that spot) At 50 and 55 I think they'd have had a hard time pulling safely without aggro.
Bad moment of the night: Was on a long all-the-way-'round pull when I found an Exoray. Flashed it and headed back to camp. Noticed I seemed to be taking lots of hits and looked behind me. 3 molds! I arrived at camp, Benedictioned, and got to work. I finished one while they duoed another.
Just before the second fell, one of them used Dark Spore, major AoE. Ghost took 628 damage and was dead. I don't recall what his total HP is, but as a Taru, it was prolly close to that. He deleveled, but R3 got him back with a 6 XP buffer. We stuck around for a few more skillup kills do Wenz (I think) could get Penta Thrust.
Got another offer for the party but declined - it was just too late. Wound up meeting Kit in Jeuno who took the slot. Tele'd all of us to Altep, dropped off Ghost & Wenz so they could duo/SU, and then took Kit to Yhoator. Logged out where I logged in :3
Joked earlier on the way to Jeuno about the sudden inrush of new Rogues. Wondered whose pearlsack had a leak :3
Passing greets to Soho who left earlyish. Bouncing messages back and forth with Dark - Ninja Slobber attacks!
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