I logged in after the doctor's appointment debacle, tasty Bob Evans dinner (for which I ordered breakfast) and shopping runs. Elder wanted to get SimCity 4 for his lappy but both stores we went to were sold out. Younger bought yet another shelf for his expanding Lego empire.
Once more, I tried the Bunny Hat run, and failed repeatedly. I still keep getting screwed by the mobile checkpoints. I'm looking into gear I can use just for this and then resell. Assuming I can't rope any Bardic friends into following me around -looks at Deej-
I soon gave up and moved to Promy-Holla to farm. Over the course of the evening, and allowing for a Monopoly Express break, I netted three sets of recollections, a Somber memory, half a stack of Radiant and about 2k XP. I'll be hitting DNC42 shortly!
At the end of the farming run, I hoofed it to Selbina and left for the evening. I need to hurry up and sell my loot and arrange my recollections and meds, as Argyle currently has a Holla run scheduled for Saturday at 3.
There was the usual shell chatter and revelry, and a good jungle party for some. Also, grabbed some new members. And I finally asked Ben nicely to skip the dude and bro addressing. I meant no disrespect and hope it doesn't mess up things between us.
Soho left me an IM but when I got back to it he'd already left.
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