Shell Dunes party, DRK16 to 18. Fury PLed using the "aggro all lizards in zone at one time" method. While there was some discussion about skipping pages (Fury doesn't bother when he's in lizard camps) XP came fast and easy.
Picked up where I left off in Dunes, getting a quick shell invite from Goldenkid. I had thought it was another shell party but 4 of 6 were from other shells. In any case, I was already in the zone, and but for lack of food, I was ready.
Coldheartkiller PLed but we had many coordination problems starting up. Took a long time to find our rhythm, and even then we struggled. I died on the first two pulls, GK died on the second and again soon after... Our puller would get ahead of himself and sometimes Cold was AFK or resetting his connection. Apparently, he was playing from a Denny's this evening and their wifi has a 30-minute lease timer. Also, he declined to get me a "Moon Over My Hammy" as he's vegetarian.
GK and then Agles DCed and we almot gave up for lack of initiative in Val's part. Cold, Val and some others were in Skype call and very distracted. I nearly bailed but Val finally got back on. I had been trying to wrangle reps but as Val was lead I couldn't do muh but make suggestions.
I thankfully made DRK20 with a small buffer. For now, Dark Knight is done. Although, I'm actually enjoying my time on it. Much more than I'd expect given Dark is usually viewed as pure DD. To be fair to my stated opinions on jobs tho', I spent most of both nights tanking given that my damage output was regularly higher than the others.
At end of party Soho stopped by. We went to the Tree for an NM and spent about 20 minutes while he and Insertname bashed on lower level crabs (few shield points). However, his group took too long to assemble and I had to leave.
Speaking of Soho, he's male. Said a friend must have tweaked his Skype profile.
1 comment:
mwahahaha i have skype to lol not on it much only have a couple friends on it Dark was fun mines 51 or 52 gets really hard to get partys in that lvl frame *slobber attack*
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