Every now and again, I check the Google Analytics report for my little blog. It's fun seeing an odd hit or two from foreign countries or from states I've not seen before.
One thing that's been constant is my highest hit counts have come from one state in particular, over the course of a year-plus.
Indiana has topped the charts for ages, and the only person I know from Indiana is Isabiel, my friend from RedDragonBrigade and one-time clock-minder.
Since I haven't heard anything from her in some time, and since I heard the good news that she took time off and had a baby, I was wondering why Indy still tops the charts.
Isabiel, if you're still reading away, I'd love to hear from you and how you and the new one are doing! If it *isn't* you, would whomever in Indiana keeps pinging my page please stand up?
Also, Dark, if you happen to be reading this, firstly, *slobber* And secondly, feel free to chime in, as you had the last Isa update.
Hey Aerin! It's your Indy check in here. I love checking your blog to see what is going on in FFXI and with you. And I have an almost 4 week old son so I am adjusting to the complete lack of sleep but it is totally worth it. Hoping to be back on FFXI soon though! Will only be able to jump on for short periods of time though. Might see you online soon! Isa.
ya she checks in here but not with the rest of us :) mwahahaha *SLOBBER ATTACK* i'll be offline again till i get billing figured out they screwed something up when i changed servers will be changing back soon
Awesome to hear from you Isa! I can't believe it's been 4 weeks! Pretty sure Dark was late in telling me tho' :3
Well, super grats to you and your new family! I know it's a lot of work but it's also the best kind! At least, I think so!
And /blush - I'm glad you appreciate what insights into Siren I offer. Now at least it won't feel like I'm talking to myself ^^
As for you Dark, I have my fur squeegee - do your worst! Well, once you get your account sorted! :p
Hope both of you had fantastic Christmases and New Yearses! Looking forward to seeing both of you soon!
i was not lol i told you as soon as i got told mwahahaa
So... I stumbled upon this blog again! I hope all is well with you (not even sure if you check this anymore!) I am tempted some days to get back on the game but I am sure it is completely different now!
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