Aerinravage's GamerCard

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Social Integration

As many of my Dear Readers know, I have a few social media accounts.  Since I don't play online regularly any longer, I haven't felt compelled to maintain this blog much.  But I don't want to stop journaling my life.  So, I've been using Twitter a lot recently, for book and movie reviews as well as #CuriousMithra musings.

I finally got my business trip pics uploaded to Facebook as well, but I'm such an FB noob that I really don't know how to tie it all together.  I'd like this blog and Facebook to be the authoritative records of my digital life, but I don't know how to integrate them, if that's realistically possible.

LordKaosu seems to have tweets going to his LJ, but I don't know if that's an app or manual copypasta.  I know there's a way to get this blog to tweet new posts, but as it requires trusting a third party with my Google account, no thanks.  What I really want is a safe and sane way for FB and blog updates to tweet, and for tweets to archive somewhere simple for archiving.

Until that day comes, I'll have to make do.

So, partly for completeness and partly for a starting point, here's where I keep a lot of my stuff:

* This blog
* Twitter (AerinRavage)
* Facebook (Aerin Ravage)
* Flickr (AerinOfSiren)
* GMail (AerinRavage)
* LiveJournal (aerinravage)
* No Google+ yet, despite the ending of the Real names policy

I also have Skype, AIM, Yahoo accounts (and even a DeviantArt profile) but those are just gathering dust.  I suppose if I ever get back into an MMO I'll use those for party/shell coordination and join the 21st century gamers.


lordkaosu said...

The Twitter support is built into LiveJournal. You simply just check an option. It may ask your Twitter account for authorization although I forget since it's been so long.

There's not a real handy way to tie in everything. I especially find Flickr to be a hassle to try and link anything you did there (a lot of the options are manual, per photo type of stuff).

Although I haven't used it for much yet, I like Google+ because it allows conversations that are easy to follow (bumps post when replied to, no character limit like Twitter [plus they don't disappear so quickly like Twitter]) and nice photo integration in the posts.

Aerin Hope Ravage said...
