Today, the big plan was to see "How to Train Your Dragon", something I've been waiting for since the original cuts came out. After breakfast and some cleaning, Ape took the boys to a neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt thing, where she ran into several people we know.
I on the other hand, spent my time first fixing my image links (as you can see), and then messing about in XI. I actually got my second claim on LL (seems much easier than VE) but alas, no drop. From there, I spent close to an hour organizing all my junk (yet again) so that I could resume Dunes leveling. Dark was on (among others) and expressed an interest, so...
Once I'd dumped a lot of junk, sorted my gear, had animas made, and so on, I teleported to Holla for the run to the sands of Valkurm. I eventually made it to Selbina, and while futzing about with the Nomad Moogle, I was checked by Immadancerlol. Someone whose name has always made me giggle. She asked if I was bored, and, thus began a 90-minute duoing excursion.
We had the worst time getting to the Konschaht-side lizard camp. Near the crab ledge she pulled aggro just as she went out to let her dog in. I tried my best, two-houring and summoning Sufhi. I was trying to hold the fort when she returned and joined in. We wiped, and the gob was moments from death himself. She was kind enough to do the HP > job change > raise dance. We returned to Selbina, and this time we stopped off at the OP to grab a page, as it was close to midnight and this way we could do two in rapid succession, especially with me being close to out of time.
In the tunnel, we got more aggro but I survived. She HPed again and took a tele to Dem and ran to meet me at the zone. We gathered at the book, grabbed full buffs (lol), and finally got started. We actually did pretty well, duoing at sync 16. We plonked away and as we were finishing up our second page and looking for a bunny, I was jumped by a Butcher. There was no way I was going to make it unless he offed himself. Imma ran up and I suggested a retreat instead, but she stuck it out and we both died again ^^
We both had reraise up, popped it once the gob despawned and I said my goodbyes. Troubles aside, we actually did pretty well XP-wise, and party chatter was friendly and fun. She asked when I'd be on next but I knew it'd have to be late... We shall see :3
So, movie time! I'll skip some of the logistics, but we made it there (with Younger's best friend along for the night), got good seats and met up with Sis and her boys. And I'll say this: Dark, it was fantastic! It was quite charming actually. They even somehow managed to make a dragon adorable without being all childish-style.
From there, it was Chik-Fil-A, then home for Zombieland. I honestly thought this was more of a zombie-slaughter themepark. That is to say, I thought the gist of the movie was going to be in sweet zombie sport. Nah, there was a story, eerily similar to Carriers. Unlike Carriers, this *still* didn't suck. It had some great moments and was definitely worth a rental.
Now we're watching MTV's 16 and Pregnant. Ape is nuts for this show, and I like it too. But as someone who was actually looking to make permanent, family-oriented relationships at 16, my perspective is a /little/ different. Also, I do so hate all the drama.
My plans for the evening are to finish watching TV with Ape, and then spend more time in Vana'diel whilst watching the Aussie GP.
I still love the Old Navy Super-modelquins, and the new "reality competition" series of ads.
I don't know if you ever look at this anymore but for some reason I googled my FFXI characters name and was quite pleased to read about this^^.
If you're ever on FFXI still, I'm still Immadancerlol :]
Heya, Imma ^^ You just made my day! I do keep an eye on this blog but for now, I'm off XI. Once character reactivation is up again, I may try to get back on.
I miss Siren something fierce!
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