(I always did like the Pet Shop Boys)
As I said earlier, we went shopping today. Ape had a Lane Bryant coupon and planned to use it. I like most of LB's styles but their prices are nuts. Anyhoo, we spent quite a lot of time and as her selections became more numerous, she said something interesting: Whatever she spent (after the coupon of course) she would match towards my cosplay gear.
The final total? $170. So now, my official warchest stands at $420. And that does *not* count the money I earned last year working part-time. We haven't totally settled it but my plan is to split those earnings down the middle. That would boost my Kitty kitty significantly.
So, why have I not yet started with the commission? Two reasons. I still can't find my stupid PC discs and I really don't want to buy the game a third time... Second, I'm really fearful of the reactions I'm going to get.
Comments Younger's been making lead me to think he'd not support such an endeavor. Also, I've been trying to explain other modes of expression, specifically the furry life to Ape. Not because I intend to go that route, but to frame my discussions regarding LK's recent trip.
Ape just can't seem to comprehend or accept it. /sigh I knew she was closed-minded but not *that* closed minded.
What to do, what to do...
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