Birthday lunch at Zaxby's - quite nice and I loved my card. One of my geekier co-workers actually signed it with a complete Java app.
Home early with Elder, then to TKD with Younger. I got 100-odd pages into Sentinel Wars #2, and I'm liking it more, earlier than the first. Perhaps because I already know the setting.
Next was dinner with MIL and our Tennessee uncle while watching Survivor. A so-so episode but Cirie got blindsided quite nicely.
I'll be up late on an important code checkout - see you maybe?
Not much besides some farming and an assist to MsPeek and Trob (who had been in a lousy Dunes party with Bigz) for her BLM AF. This was basic "run through Orcs while running through Davoi" adventuring. I didn't have a lot of time, 'cos Ape was feeling really bad and wanted to shut down early. I committed to help until 10:30 but managed to exit myself early (more in a jif).
We got into Davoi, and then the Monastic Caverns easily enough. And we got a key for Peek in like 4 orcs, who were no trouble for our motley band. NIN/DNC, WHM/BLM x2. We found the coffer minutes later - yay! But something went wrong with the quest because when Peek opened it, we got money.
So~o, we kept on, and 20+ more orcs, nothing. We got quad-teamed at one point but between Trob's excellent tanking and a pair of Repose-equipped WHMs, we held our own easily. Then, on another group beatdown, I disappeared. I thought I heard someone call for an escape, so I assumed Peek warped us out. Nope, just me. Somehow I hit Warp instead of Blind, and Blind is two away... Oh well. It was about 10 minutes 'til my scheduled departure, so I said my goodnights.
Farming in Horutoto. Let Faro in. Chatted with LK in-game some. That's about it. Realized in the car while listening to Fergie's Glamorous that she's really singing about something funny from Princess Bride:
G-L-A-M... O-R(odents)-O(f)-U(nusual-S(ize). Heehee!
Watched the entire Bachelor finale while futzing about and chatting a little. I'm generally happy Jake went for Vienna, but I liked Tenley too. But I think Vienna "completed" Jake's personality moreso than Tenley.
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