Tonight, Ape planned on Japanese with us and her best friend + hubby. I normally don't do so well with Japanese since so much of the bounty is in the form of rice, veggies, soup and salad. But I voted Japanese as well and resolved to try /something/ new.
So, after getting stuck at work 'til after 6 on an urgent support call, I rushed home as fast as the Beast could take me. Which isn't very fast. I just know as soon as I get Shiroma back I'm going to get popped for speeding! o.o
After only a brief refresh/get changed time, we were off. We dropped the boys off, had a nice chat with my parents, then headed across town to the restaurant. We arrived just minutes before our friends and were then seated immediately. While I have historically avoided 90% of the food offerings, I have *always* enjoyed the show. Tonight was to be another fine performance.
Along the way to what would ultimately be an amazing meal, I tried the soup (much better than its Thai counterpart), the ginger salad dressing (Sorry Epcot, Mikada > Mitsukoshi), and I was able to get our chef to make my rice with just the rice, egg and soy. It would normally have had scallions in it...
In an attempt to 日本 (にほん) it up, I ate with 箸 (はし) for the entire meal, even going so far as to make a rest for them using the wrapper (ありがとう Wikipedia!). Well, not the soup, of course! ^^
Eating rice with chopsticks wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it'd be, especially hot 'n fresh off the grill-table thingy. I'm definitely gonna try egg in my ramen next time!
Then my chicken and steak were ready. And Mikado has excellent ginger steak sauce! Yes! It was awesome-sauce! lol, see what I did there? Anyway, I ate about half of the plate and planned to have the rest later.
After dinner we went to Wal-Mart and grabbed a few things. Including the original Twilight's soundtrack. I like most of the bands on it, I really wanted Bella's Lullaby, and I need some new tunes. Ape's threatening to leave me if I don't change out the Evanescence...
We also rented Zombieland, but because we got home close to midnight we opted to wait until Saturday for it. We hung out for awhile though and then I left to camp LL some more and chat. Kush was on XI for once, hunting O. Kotes (or something) in Castle O. Deej was logged into POL, which was interesting. Is he coming back? LK's in Atlanta for a con and I was hoping he had news of interesting times, but not quite yet...
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