Today, the plan was to do some shopping, eat with the combined families and friends, and then go to Palm Sunday Mass. Well, the shopping worked out really well, as did a late lunch at Mellow Mushroom pizza. But clock-watching wasn't on the menu. Nor was knowing which church had what mass when.
Because when we left, we were going to be late, and when we actually arrived, it didn't matter. No mass. Ape and her sis rang up a number of area churches and the only thing left was a Spanish mass. I felt bad for the girls because they really felt like they were disappointing God. I am of the opinion that, while church is good and a positive thing, worship /can/ be done elsewhere.
Notes of my own, I'm not usually a glutton. I've actually been working hard the last several years to mind my diet - and it's paying off. Besides the significant weight loss, I've been trying lots of new things (see earlier posts). But today, I had a CamiCake. Oh. My. God. I chose lemon-flavored, and it was positively *divine*. The shop alone smelled heavenly! I really need to avoid that place!
After that we stopped by Best Buy. They already had the 3-D TVs set up and I tried it out. I'd say it works as well as the theatrical system. But the lone demo movie, Monsters vs Aliens, was underwhelming for its 3-D originally. There must have been a better choice. Heck, I'd have ponied up for Avatar. *That* would have been a proper demo!
Back home, I duelled both Clones in Yu-Gi-Oh. My ancient, dusty deck, with none of the new card systems in play, beat both of them, Elder x2 and Younger x1. Then it was time for Ape and Bran to make cake. I ate too much raw batter. Yum~! I'm really hoping Ape sets us up soon for a family cooking class. We've done some dancing, and now I want to try being a culinarian!
Currently, we're watching AR, and as the ABC shows are repeats, we're going to go straight into Undercover Boss, from Silver Dollar City.
>< The cowboys blundered TWICE and are ripe for elimination. AAAARGH!
Earlier today, I watched the Australian Grand Prix, and played XI some. XI was almost nothing but soloing. I finished off THF (to 20) and switched to COR after a Jeuno detour for an appropriate sword. I didn't get any invites after over an hour flagged, and so I soloed a bit.
Some randoms I can't believe I didn't mention earlier!
* Somer Thompson's killer has confessed. That creepy monster caught in Mississippi on child porn charges copped to killing Somer. I only hope there's an airtight case on him because he's almost certainly going to lawyer up and recant his confession.
* Speaking of confessions, I was genuinely surprised when Pope Benedict (Sixteenth of the line) basically acknowledged the offenses, but denied direct knowledge of what had happened. It's not perfect but it's a darn good start. He's apparently been sending official apology letters to different countries' Catholic communities.
* I can't believe Mattel couldn't do a better job with the face molds on the new Twilight dolls...
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