Aerinravage's GamerCard

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Little Notes

Tuesday and Wednesday I did very little besides farm and meet up with a new Rogue, Ogopogo, to help him with the Three-Mage Door. While there, I farmed up a set of tests and a scroll of Gravity. This, plus the now-full stack of Radiant Memories puts me over the 400k mark for the Wedding Dress.

So, before heading to bed Wednesday, I put up the last of my goods (not counting a ton of recollects).

Chat-wise, things were quiet. Mostly because FFXIII came out Tuesday and Kush, Dark, and others were elbow-deep in the new adventure. I had a nice talk with Momma, wherein she shared one of her creative fiction papers. Then we had a really deep talk about relationships. Which made sense given the topic of the paper and its effect on me.


Some randoms:

Tori Amos needs to redo her hair... That paint-can orange stinks. But I need to catch up on her discography.

Last Thursday, there was an interesting Law & Order SVU. A killer was targeting prostitutes and leaving religiously-themed pamphlets on the bodies, suggesting he was doing them and the world a divine favor. The very next day I saw this: "Blame the victim: Religious leaflet claims ‘ungodly’ dressed women provoke rape" from the Bristol Herald Courier.

Just heard yet another prom committee's travesty because of a gay student wanting to be themselves: "Miss. prom canceled after lesbian's date request", courtesy of USA Today.

Coming up this Sunday: The Robot Returns to Racing! Yes! Schumacher and the Mercedes "German national team" square off against three other top teams.

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