Aerinravage's GamerCard

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Rumbling Hearts, Concluded

After RH disc 2 went back, I got Ghost In the Shell: The Music Videos.

Point. Less.

I was hoping for something AMV-styled from the great Studio I.G. and instead I got 5 songs set to three vids. More or less. And I'm sorry, but the songs were just not working for me. So off it went, to make way for...

Rumbling Hearts, the Conclusion!

I finally got around to watching it, having planned to watch it over the weekend and trade notes with LK. I was tardy watching, and even tardier with my write-up here. I can only assume he's already seen it.

So. I'm conflicted. And a little confused. I /think/ I know what happened but I'm not sure. And if I'm correct, I'm not sure I like the outcome.

Even still, it was one of the best stories I've ever seen, and a great find. As I mentioned before, I love the J-drama, especially school or work life drama. Those settings seem to really focus on character development and interaction, rather than using magic, tech, aliens, what-have-you to advance the story. Not saying any of those things is wrong, but when all you have is yourself...


lordkaosu said...

Netflix did the same thing with us, we got another disc in before getting the final Rumbling Hearts. Just like you, I was slow to really bring it up.

The ending was a bit surprising, although I'm not sure what I really wanted to happen. I thought the ending was ok overall. What did you not like (or not sure you liked) about it?

Aerin Hope Ravage said...

I guess overall, I'm glad Takayuki finally made up his mind, albeit made easier by Haruka's final gift.

The ending was done in the same style as the opening, where the action took place under the credits and music. This was a plus, to me.

My real beef is that maybe for me it wasn't a certainty that Takayuki and Mitsuki wound up together. And, I still feel she didn't deserve him for her duplicity.

I need to post some more here - by now you guys know we're in Panama City Beach and we've had a great time. And I've had some weird dreams...

* Michelle Obama painted my nails (badly)
* I got FFXIV running on a PS2
* Some teacher (who looked like Happy Gilmore's gran) shot herself after a work meeting where Ape and I (fellow teachers in the dream) were leaving a staff meeting