(If only Fhox were here to tease me about it)
On awakening I checked for Kush (nope) and Fhox (nope). Most of the GD regulars were at it again in the past. My plan was to go at Maat ASAP. I had been thinking all day of my strategy and decided if I couldn’t beat him, sleep him! Re-reading Repose strategies suggested I was wrong to cast it without my Light Staff equipped. So I tweaked my “Sleep” macro. Then I checked for Divine Torques, which weren’t in stock last time. There was one, and I grabbed it. I also grabbed another pumpkin and headed up to see Maat. Again. I wondered how soon he buffs, or if he appears in the arena pre-buffed. I was about to find out…
On zoning into Balga’s Dais, I ran straight at him. He began casting something on my approach and I fired my Sleep macro. Or thought I did >< I forgot to target him and he completed his cast – Blink! I recast anyway, hoping my spell would slip between the two shadows and stick, and it did. The old man slept. I cast enfeebs on him and then ran all the way back to the entrance. I buffed with SS, AV and Blink. Then waited for the inevitable.
If any of you are thinking of using my strategy, remember to cast early for Repose 1, and to WIPE THE FREAKING SHADOWS for #2. Because he still had one left which did its job. So now I’m hauling tail back to the main platform with Maat in tow nuking and punching. I hit Flash then Sleep and this time I got a stick.
I ran *back* to the beginning and waited. This time, I popped Divine Seal. As Maat showed up I cast for the final time. This Repose also stuck and before I could do anything else, time ran out. I now have the WHM clear time record, of 5:35. I’ll have to check my one vid to see whom I displaced.
In my elation, I screamed “WOOOOOOOOOT!” in shell and got many grats. And an immediate invite from Damu for an imp party in Caedarva. I asked if a short party was OK and he said it was. Stopping in Jeuno to dump the Vile Elixir and Divine Torque, I made my way to AU and the group.
Maybe I’ve been soloing and skilling too long, but I *still* couldn’t quite handle my business. I was too slow on Silenas and the DNC was curing as fast as I was. I buffed with Barsleepra and remembered Auspice this time. I also hasted Eles (NIN) and Damu (DRK).
And then I realized I’d goofed. Again. 33,999 XP and we’d probably made 5k in that short time. Again dear readers, don’t do what I did… Close out the stupid quest first…
I asked Damu to rep me ASAP and he did. He was also very supportive saying I’d done a fine job. Kind, but undeserved words.
Frustrated, I returned to Jeuno and Maat. THIS time, I followed all the steps and got my level limit boost. At least I was able to put my Opo-opo necklace up for sale as well.
Kushiel returned at about this time, and he was leading a party to somewhere to help some adventurers. I asked if he wanted some company and he invited me to join him, Mudneck, Gunrock and Aydil (sp). We met in Lower Jeuno and I tele-d the group to Holla. Well, the group minus Ayd who split to play Starcraft at a friend’s.
And then for some reason the other two took off without us. Or more accurately, Kush didn’t follow them to Davoi. Soon they were out of the party and I never did figure out what happened.
In any case, the two of us chatted and I showed off my macros, including my new /hug. He got a kick out of them and made a O.o worthy comment about another. But it was nice to chill. I made a comment about his Mithra being a red-haired red mage. I left out the part about my elemental weakness to red hair. He asked if that made me a white-haired WHM and we chatted a bit about my start as a RDM and career change to White.
I was trying to explain that I was glad to see him again as this week had been all about friendships. Even with the possibility of Y & A’s return, I was doubting my Vana friendship strength. And GD reaffirmed my faith. Stoik and Kush helped too.
I got some nice screenies of the two of us sitting under a tree near the platform, then he asked if I wanted to see something beautiful. Some 15 minutes later, we’re in one of the ravines that dot La Theine. At the end were some “floating dandelions” plus a aerial cascade of petals. Turned around, the fiery leaves of the treeline colored the distance. I grabbed more screens. And mentioned needing a “Picturesque Vana’diel” guidebook to the great out-of-the-way spots in the world. He expressed interest in hunting down such sites if I was going out screenshotting.
I had to bow out now, as it was approaching midnight and I wanted to spend some time with Ape before bed. But I was jazzed – Maat’s done, I can level again, and I spent quality time with K.
(post post notes) Need an ear scratch and blush macro
1 comment:
Aerin I did the same thing with beating Maat...I forgot to close out the quest and have no idea how long I was stuck without gaining xp! Lesson learned though :) Congrats again on beating Maat!!! Isa :)
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