(Getting my knack back)
Logged in late (7:30ish) after a full day of racing action. That update to follow.
Flagged up on WHM and spent some time relocating to Jeuno. Trying to find a less painful way than a long choco ride or use of Repatriation to get to Ibwam for when I’m not on /BLM. Latest truck was Recall-Pash, short run to the maw, and then a trek through half of the present-day marshlands followed by all of Rolanberry. Hmmm, free but a little time consuming.
But I was able to get to Jeuno and started setting up new Gravity auctions plus some loot dumps. Along the way, got a party request from Tinye and told her I’d be in WG in 5 minutes. After clearing some gobbiebag space I did the job-change dance to get me home, Ib-warped and then got Sanction and another change of clothes. (There’s a lolMithra coming up later – stay tuned!).
As I made my way to the Hall of Passage Tinye asked if I knew what was in store at the planned Caedarva Mire camp. “Imps and Jnuns” I said. She confirmed and I continued my journey, with a brief stall on the platform while trying to remember which portal goes to which zone. I picked right though when Tinye didn’t answer. Someone else wound up in Mount Zayohlm ^^
The party got off to a rough start: Usuke (PLD) was eaten at the Iron Gate. He set off last and was spotted by an Imp we managed to get past. While I went back to raise him, the others got aggro and three deaths later I had my work cut out for me. And once again, I buffed only to lose ‘em all on Level Sync.
But once we settled into a rhythm, we did well. I was much faster on silenas for Usuke, having asked in auto-trans if the two SAMs needed it as well (they didn’t). I got myself silenced a few times either by being in range when trying to apply buffs or when camp creep brought an Imp close to where I and Elkunit (COR) were standing.
The camp we were stuck with was not ideal – with imps wandering either end of the pass we holed up in, we were at risk for aggro. And sure enough we got it. Elk was targeted by either a wandering Imp or a pop. We had a Jnun already and I didn’t see what was happening to him until it was too late. I did start casting while he was alive though /sigh
I also managed to handle a link - Repose actually stuck and it gave the melees enough time to finish the first mob and then the link. I had to call for rest a few times - I hate not having Sublimation. But no major fails on my part. It certainly didn't hurt that we picked up a PL along the way.
With 90, then 45 to go, I let Tinye know I wanted to leave. I asked if I should rep myself and she said to try for a RDM. I actually found one seeking that was willing to sync down. He arrived a little early and then I tagged out.
I'm not sure if I was missing something, but Tinye seemed a little overfond of lol or w. Most every question was responded to with lol, and she was liberal with w's in party chat with the Japanese players.
OK, now for the lolMithra. I was trying to go to bed early because I spent about 10 hours at the airfield for the SCCA Solo event my dad and I went to. It was hot, and racers are expected to work a shift when not racing. Did I mention the heat? So, by 11:30 that night I was spent. I stopped off in Jeuno long enough to try flagging the Wildcat warp there. I couldn't, because I already had it. Oh boy...
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