I logged in late-ish and almost immediately got a /tell from Isa! We chatted briefly and she said she was ready to get back to work on her RDM74. I offered her any help I could on quests and the like.
Then she told me something…
Yalto and Aleu are leaving FFXI. I have no idea why – Isa just said what she’d been told by Ravenshadow (who? GDer?). I said the only inkling of this I’d had was a comment from one of them about needing to slow down. Nobody in shell seemed to fuss over it so I didn’t think more of it.
Remember back in July, when the whole GD business started? I feel like that all over again. Yalto and Aleu have been constant companions in Vana’diel. Hell, Yalto’s supposed to be chaperoning my wedding and I have yet to hear from him what the status of my app is.
I can find another chaperone, but I hate losing friends. It seems so many have drifted away already: Chucho, Enz and Alima, Phax, Diosa, Kush… I know a lot of this is simply people not playing as much as I do and simply bad timing. But some of these folks really leave.
The next time I see Arch I’m going to ask him what he knows. Failing that, I’ll see if Ravenshadow will shed some light.
And to make the horizon a little darker, FFXIV has been confirmed and will apparently not be an upgrade to 11. When it goes live in a year or so I can expect that Vana’s zones will be ghost towns…
After trying to digest all of this, I gave the taxi-thing a shot but nobody needed a ride. Then I hit KRT again and only managed one kill before those stupid Hati dogs got involved. I double-died too and had to homepoint, knocking about 2,500 off my XP total.
I logged out in disgust, my heart not in adventuring anymore.
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