(...but you'll only need the EDGE~~)
Another two-parter today. Part one was simple because I only had about an hour and a half before we took off for Father’s Day at the Town Center. So I spent some time leveling DRK, 10 to 12. GD was planning a Promy-Holla run for one of the three pieces needed to open Tavnazia. Scheduled for 10 minutes AFTER I had to leave. Nuts!
But as consolation, Ape bought me a Star Wars t-shirt. The main characters are rocking out on some galactic stage. The art style is straight from the Empire poster. Leia’s singing, Luke and Han are shredding lead, Vader’s on bass, Chewie’s pounding the drums and the droids are handling keyboard and synth. And maybe lighting. It is quite possibly the coolest shirt I own.
Dinner was quite good too, pizza for me and the boys and Mexican for Ape, Mom and Dad.
On returning, I finished my Anni Ring charge and ground a little beyond to hit 13. Then the fun began.
Vet (SMN) and Res (BLM) were putting together another Promy assault. They had three others, Madatlis (SMN), Loshilinoi (PLD) and Redhawwk (WAR). I got a slot as WHM. We met in Lower Jeuno (minus Red who was already at the platform) for supplies. Never having done the boss fight I wasn’t sure what to expect. Apparently spending a lot of money is what to expect: several poison pots, ethers and animas (boss enfeeblers).
I was just /sighing at the counter when Res offered a trade. So I bought a stack from him. Then Mad mentioned not wanting to buy a whole stack. I traded 6 his way but he didn’t pay for them. Arrgh. Should’ve set that up first. Later, at the Holla crag, Loshi checked me then started pestering me for one of my Gravities. I basically asked what he was offering and he didn’t put up. Later still, while inside, Red checked me and then asked for a scroll. In shell I said that the next one who asks for a freebie gets “Sorry, no, I need these to make up the 9k Mad ran off with”.
Truth be told, there was a lot of shell chat about the trio of adventurers we had teamed up with. Loshi wasn’t doing much in the way of self-curing despite being on PLD. This would prove to be a problem inside while we faced off against the spire boss, a Wreaker. Who bears more than a passing resemblance to a spider tank droid, especially when it whips out its tongue.
Okay, so cross Mithra venting aside, here’s how the fights went down. The climb to the arena is much as the RDB Dem crawls were, except the last Receptacle is pretty tough. Once in the anteroom, the level cap disappears for some odd reason, but it reasserts itself on actually entering the battlefield. We took the time pre-fight to rest and discuss strategy. As it turns out, animas are used by the team to enfeeble the boss. One causes intimidation, one blocks special moves and one basically causes the top hate-puller to repel the boss.
Ideally, each member brings one each and an order is set up for use. Buffs will overlap but only last 30 seconds so good timing can help. Also, at 25% health, the Wreaker starts spamming sleepga, among other fun treats. The pots come in handy for blocking sleep, and the ethers are for the fact mages will be eating MP.
We wound up fighting twice, because Loshi was taking too much damage and Red couldn’t pull hate off him. Loshi also didn’t try very often to self cure and more than once when I went to throw a C3 on him he’d moved out of range. He wound up flattened and the ensuing wipe took several seconds as the Wreaker worked its way through us. Nobody 2-houred though and I don’t think any animas got used either.
We waited for battlefield ejection (Vet’s death-grunt was surprisingly loud), then I reraised and got to repairing the team. We did get the Wreaker down to about 60% pretty easily but with the mistakes and omissions made it just wasn’t gonna happen. Also, Red D/Ced again and so we had to wait for him to reconnect.
Round Two didn’t go much better, but I got to see anima use in action and try an ether from Vet’s tank. Dang those things take forever to activate and he wasn’t kidding about the massive lockout on casting just after the ether kicks in!
Our loss came again as Loshi died too early and we wiped. But this time there was a twist – Vet said in PM to rest (he was backup heal), and I was just about to anyway seeing a lull in damage. I stayed rested while Loshi began taking damage and Vet did nothing cure-wise. After the wipe I reviewed the log and so did he – it was a mistake.
Oh well, I learned I don’t like these things already, and that, at least in this case, a Tarudin is not a good idea.
P.S. Had a morning chat with Arch about me getting a pearlsack. He was being very sensitive about e and Fhox /smile I accepted and said I'd go with the flow. Later I asked Ape if it was meant for me to bring Stoik back. On my return though Arch said he was trying himself – huh… Stoik to think about it
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