(Really fun TP use!)
I logged in still between jobs after last night's soloing on RNG. I was sitting on SAM trying to decide if that's what I wanted to be tonight when I got a blind invite from Sootypaddlefish. I don't often get blind invites on jobs other than WHM so this was a nice surprise. Thus, SAM12 it was, after a bit of loot arranging and gearing up.
Sooty was not the leader - he was PLing, and may have been a friend of Lilphill, the leader. On arrival we got off to a quick start, on crabs and gobs near the beach. At first, even with food, I was having an accuracy problem. This could have been because my GK skill was maybe half of the cap. But it sure gained quickly!
And once I got Tachi: Hobaku, I got a lot more effective. Hobaku is a stun move and I used it against gobs mostly. My timing was pretty good too. Of course, a stunned Bomb Toss just gets retried (usually) but in some cases the gobbie was nearly dead and the stun gave us time to finish him off without harm.
Ultimately, I dinged 15 and had a great time. I think of my DDs SAM is my fave so far. Having a PL along made things fast and easy.
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