(Am I 75 Yet?!)
Today was a two-parter, as we had some dinner to eat and people to see. Part One was a pair of Besieged. Hi Vagu! I got some SUs and managed not to get smoked too badly. After Besieged #1, Vet asked if I had the Portal Charm to get past the Three-Mage door. Silly Summoner ^^ We were going to farm there together but between Bs I was bored and set out solo. I actually soloed twice, around RL chores (Power Slot rotors for Shiroma and yard cutting) and Besieged.
By the time I had a test in hand, I also had NINE gravities and 5 rusty daggers. And Gravs are at 10k a pop. Really!
Prior to B-2, I found Vet in AU and traded him. He was very happy! Then after, I had to split.
On my return, we gathered together for Arch's DRG AF help and Vet's Carby Mitts. Both are in the Temple of Uggalepih so we spent a bit of time there. Arch, Damu, Vet, Fal, and me. Stoik joined in too (he'd just been asking what I was doing when Damu said they'd been talking too).
Long story short, the AF helm was cake. And having the map really makes maneuvering much easier! Thank you Fhox! The Mitts were a little harder, as the NM Tonberry uses a lot of AoE. I think I said *mrfh* a few times after Astral Flows hit. But we finished it off and Vet got his "oven mitts". I joked I needed to go PLD because of how I've been playing WHM lately, as a gimped PLD / off-tank. They agreed ^^
Then it was flagging time and I soon got an invite from Jushiro for Aydeewa. Crawlers and diremites... Ick. But, I didn't stink up the joint. To be fair, Cyoco the RDM was doing a lot of work too and seemed to have the poisona thing locked in.
Diremites use a slow attack called Filamented Hold that must be Slow II since I can't wipe it with Haste. So I adjusted my tactics - on diremite pulls, I stood near the party. I took damage but when I also got slowed, I could easily switch to Misery, cast Esuna, and go back to Solace.
Apparently Sacrifice is over 63 because otherwise I'd have just used that.
The WHM screwup of the night came during Air Elemental aggro. The party was getting beat down hard and my DualShock was acting up. It kept switching macro pages and/or exiting the bar when I was trying to cast cures or "save MP" and Curaga. Cyoco bit the dust on what was likely our third-to-last pull as we agreed to end at 5am. I think if I'd have been able to get that Curaga off he'd have made it - he pulled hate and was being pummeled and if I'd succeeded I'd almost certainly have stolen enmity. The elemental was nearly dead so a fully-healthy party could've beaten it without me alive.
Overall, I felt like it was a good party and a good way to get back in the pure main-heal groove which I haven't done in ages. I still need to get the whole Sacrifice-Esuna-Misery sequence down, and learn just what Esuna can do. I did have luck removing Poisongas with Esuna under Solace. But I wasted several Esunas by not going Misery first. /sigh
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