(I made a funny)
Got another level on SAM then decided it was time to go shopping. Switched to Jesup and grabbed a Brass armor set and suitable weapons for BLU, DRK, SAM and MNK. I came back to myself and was about to resume SAM’s run when K jumped on.
He asked for assistance on behalf of Dathi for the Magicite mission (pieces in all three zones, PLUS the Davoi one needed two key items from two Quad NMs). They were also planning LB3.
Prep took some time as she ensured all quests were flagged properly. While that was happening, Wiita got on asking for AF NM help in Xarcabard. I had to beg off and he soon had help elsewhere. I actually feel a little bad for him because I’d like to help more but I think my initial impression with PLing him may have led him to believe I don’t have much else to do, or that I’m easy. Nope.
Due to timing, we put LB3 last and got the magicite pieces without too much drama. Until the last one, in Davoi. The second NM for the Crest key item dropped 4 of them. As we chatted, Dathi warped back to Jeuno to convert the drops into yet another key item to enter the magicite chamber.
And then realized none ever went her way. Because I was too busy chatting to pass. /sigh /fume /grovel
She made a hasty return and in the meantime, Kush toyed with the NM once he respawned. He abused that poor quad for like 10 minutes and as soon as Dathi zoned in, K finished him. This time she confirmed her drop and after a tele-Mea, she split. I stayed on with Kush a bit longer. Then I went to watch MJ news with Ape.
Yes, I grew up listening to MJ with my sis. His early stuff is timeless, and say what you will about his present predilections, he was a visionary. Granted, vision-wise, he checked out a decade ago…
While Dathi was warping-and-returning, Kush and I messed around a bit. I won’t repeat everything here, but we had Dathi wondering what was going on. Well, there was some hide and seek, quiet sitting, noisy sitting, and blushing. Apparently a comment I made about K’s AF turned him as red as his chapeau ^^ I think there may be a blush war coming ^~ (that is a winky, right?)
Faithful readers may recall a post some time ago (9/22/08) dealing with me being a playful Mithra and ignoring gender issues relative to me (behind the keys) and me the Mithra. The basic rule is this: I’ll play with anyone who understands the reality of what they’re getting into. As long as we’re all on the same page then I really enjoy roleplaying. I’m deeply invested in Aerin and she’s actually a fair representation of my real personality and character. This is probably why I feel so natural as Aerin. I’m not really role-playing all that much. Certain pronouns just amount to semantics anyway.
Well, that understood, I need to post an addendum, and, like the above, it won’t be directed at any specific person. I need to organize my thoughts on affectionate play – I *am* an affectionate Mithra but there’s the whole married thing. I sometimes hold back where I otherwise wouldn’t out of respect to Ape’s (Jesup’s? lol) feelings. But Aer gets a lot of (I believe) genuine affection and I feel bad I don’t always return it in kind.
I want to balance respect for my wife with appreciation and reciprocation of friendly banter and emoting with my friends.
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