(Where the heck have you been?!)
Monday night was a little rushed. Around dinnertime, I saw on FFXIah that Blessed Pants had sold again at 100k. So I logged in and still couldn’t buy. This is when it dawned on me what was happening. Lovers and/or Huntersite were making 100k pants and putting them up at some late hour (or early – I don’t know where they live). Those sell instantly, leaving the three overpriced pairs in stock. That’s what was confusing me, seeing sales but no inventory moving.
I logged out and spent some quality time with Ape, and very nearly fell asleep before 9pm. I shuffled out to the living room and we watched Bachelor / Jon & Kate, followed by Newlyweds. I logged in using the little TV and found FHOX LOGGED ON! I teased him, asking who he was and what he’d done with my boss. Raki and Kitty were in-shell also ^^
Fhox had missed a lot on his sabbatical: RDM and WHM boosts, Mog Tablet thingy, ACP, and more.
We decided to hit Zitah for some skillup fun. Kitty had to go – she was exhausted from a recent illness and her first day back at work in a week. Apparently she works with kids.
Barely into the zone, Fhox and Raki are going over the new content when Fhox goes AWOL. Turns out Duong was asking Fhox for Ramuh Prime assistance above the Boyahda Tree. So we made our way to Mhaura and Fhox and I flagged up. Raki lacked the fame and bid adieu then.
Fhox and I returned to the Tree, made our way up, and Duong, his two friends, Fhox and I beat on Ramuh. So effective were we that we set the new record for a party of 5! I logged out after a Tele-Dem.
Monday morning I logged in and this time, I was able to get the Pants AND a blue 9-drawer almirah. I didn’t really want the cheaper red one and yellow, green or white just weren’t doing it for me. Blue had been sold out for awhile but thankfully it’s the same price as the other non-red ones if I decide I don’t like it.
And, I must say, I do look quite fetching in my new pants! It’s such a refreshing change since I’ve been stuck in the Disco Pants for close to a YEAR now. But why are they high-waters? I didn’t expect so much boot to show. Guess I need to save up for that next so I match…
When I log in tonight after line dancing, I’ll be spending most of my time fixing up my house. I have WAAAAY too much gear and key items to fit in the old layout. Also, I need to hustle on farming the Hakutaku eyes for the O-Hat trigger. I’d love to have that prior to my Maat fight, and I’d like that to be before my wedding.
YALTO?! What’s the scoop?
P.S. If the wedding is on, I’m gonna have to figure out where to get the dough – the almirah put me under a fair bit. I’ve been tele-whoring some and I may sell Chucho’s BLM gear but I feel bad about resorting to that…
P.P.S. About the time spent in Disco Pants – I got bored just now and searched the ol’ blog. Turns out I’ve had those bell-bottoms on for 16 months. No wonder I’m tired of them.
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