Aerinravage's GamerCard

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Acts of Contrition

(I don't have a sad icon)

I may have cost myself one of the best things I ever had in Vana'diel. I may be overreacting; I don't know. I do know there feels like an Emptiness that has nothing to do with Promyvion. Or maybe I'm just being emotional...

MS - Do whatever you need to do, say whatever you need to say. I have a major tendency to misread things and then speak to things that may or may not be there. I don't regret for a second any of the closeness we've shared in Vana'diel (nor want it to stop) and I hope you don't either. For awhile there I thought we were still on the same page but then after I said what I said about the heart and mind, you got very quiet...again...

I'm shutting up now - I'm afraid I'll overdo it. Your turn?

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