Aerinravage's GamerCard

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Monday to Wednesday all I did was farm in Promy-Holla. If the 6 converted animas sell I'll clear 30k. Seems like they won't...

I think unless I find a shell that sticks together, does events on a compatible schedule, and is filled with friendly people, my plan is to save up for the Opaline Dress set (couldn't ever afford Ceremonial) and enjoy looking prettyful for a time. Then I'll quit.

I'm fed up. I'm tired. And I have more fun chatting with my friends rather than grinding fruitlessly.

If *anyone* does happen to know a shell as I have described, I'd love to join. I really do love Vana'diel, and I love helping. I have things I still want to accomplish. But these days I just don't see it happening...


In other gaming news, on Tuesday, I found all the pieces needed for Typing of the Dead! And miraculously, my save data from years ago is intact!

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