(I blew it in Promy-Dem...)
September 16-17, 2008
Tuesday I didn't play at all because we had too much to do pet-wise and house-wise.
Wednesday I got in a little after 8:30 and Fhox kicked off a Promy-Dem run for RDB. Fhox, Isa, Kitty, Raki and Bene (Dex) got in on it, although Dex was a late add. I was going to bring Sufhi but now with a full party that was out.
The plan was to get Beryl Memospheres for everyone besides me, since I already had one from soloing with Sufhi last week. We got 3 more over the first and second floors. I also got about 1,500 more XP on DNC and will ding 32 soon. Also also, it looks like any capped activity acts as a Sync party as nost of us had over-30 gear on.
On the first floor, XP was low and after grabbing a Memosphere we went upstairs. XP improved but something I noticed is that Dancing in a party is worse for my TP because mobs die too fast! I was having a hard time staying over 100, and had to solo Wanderers a couple times to rebuild.

Dex's Widescan was most helpful and we were working on another Gorger when I died. I had pulled cure-hate and had taken damage but the last two hits that did me in didn't look right. I saw the Gorger's attacks but I never saw a reaction on Aerin (blood spatter/knockback) and my controller didn't shake. Had I realized I was taking the damage I was I'd have fired off my RR scroll I was planning on using later.

I had a blast in this group, especially since Kitty and Raki were so much fun to chat with. And earlier, while messing around with Kitty (Mirror, Mirror SP) we got a new Brigader - Gabrie, a new Taru WHM. I wonder if her name is French-sounding: Gab-ree-ay? I'll have to ask next time I see her.
In other news, we gave Bran's turtle to the neighbors because we can't seem to get the tank right and they're big into aquatic pets. However, Bran is upset now after originally supporting this plan. He was so distraught he made a PB&J for lunch that looked like it had gone through the teleporter in The Fly... We may have to try something else.
And finally, I may not be online again until Sunday or Monday. Tonight (Thursday) is car-repair and prep for the AWA X4 trip. Friday-Sunday I'm on the road, and don't know if I can get wired internet access cheap. I'm going to take TheFunMachine and my little gaming TV just in case I can swing access, but don't be surprised if I'm not on again any time soon.
Oh, almost forgot - since I'm out of this job in two days, I may lose my PhotoShop access. I wonder if The Gimp can cleanly edit my sig .PSD file.
If I don't see any of you before I leave, have a safe weekend all!
It's just one thing after another.
Yes, I suppose it is ^^
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