(I'm happy today, oh yes I'm happy today!)
I really hope the buzz on Sync parties doesn't die too soon because in two nights I've gotten quick invites and great XP. From just under 15k into 68, I'm now just over 25k, less than 5k tnl from 69.
I technically had two parties last night but the first, in Wajaom, disbanded almost immediately. The leader was apologetic and I told him not to worry about it. I figured I'd wait in the Near East and see if I could get another invite. Which I did, but for Bhaflau Thickets. Yoyoyoor had a pretty good setup and my job was pretty easy.
And thankfully, we dined on Colibri, synced at 65. The first party, brief as it was, synced down to 61 and tried killing Puks. Why, oh why would they do that... /sigh XP came pretty fast and our BRD Deathblow (great name for that job, BTW) did the chainpull via lullaby hold thing and we hit 4's and 5's.
Between Sanction and Ballads I had a pretty good Refresh thing going, and only had to call for MP rest once. I kept up a solid Haste/Regen cycle that was costing me a bit but the occasional C5 when the pally lost hate really did my MP in. Strangely enough, while I was resting Yoyo kept asking Deathblow to buff me, which he had been the whole night. Apparently Death was AFK so I stuck up for him. When he got back he confirmed he'd been handling things.
When it came time to leave at 9, I advised Yoyo and asked if I should look for a rep. He wanted a SCH rather than WHM and it took some doing to find one at a high enough level. I had to resort to blind invites but got Vyuumahjorluv (sp?) to answer the call. Then, after some previous grousing about the XP, our Japanese paladin Allione decided to bail. While we weren't hitting max XP per kill, the birds were dropping fast and chains were easy. But he wanted to sync down to 64 and for whatever reason we didn't.
All this drama unfolds as Vyu zones in. I felt really bad but then it turns out he knew some of the others and said he was cool with it. The party eventually disbanded and after I declined Drew's D2 everybody warped.
I dumped what little loot I got and said my goodnights, after wishing safe passage for Yalto and Aleu as Ike approaches.
Actually, I missed out on a lot of shell chat, on both groups. Just after I teled back to Aht Urghan for the second party, Fhox and Isa both ask me to Sync party with the shell. And on GD, I missed most of a "your momma fight" between Yalto and Dove. Eventually the whole thing turned into a funny (and hopefully not serious) verbal melee that I couldn't keep up with in combat.
I'm doing OK synced down but I sure do love partying on Colibri. They die easy with few AoE or debuffs to worry over and with a good tank I don't have to keep curing all over the place. Using the spell menu isn't so bad but I may wind up creating a simplified WHM menu and just change the tier numbers for key spells and comment in/out others based on level restriction.
I think Level Sync is going to lead to a lot more XPing all over. One thought I had was this (take notes leaders) - If at all possible, assemble a party where one player is at the target mob's level, and three are 1 level apart below this level. In other words, using a Colibri camp as an example, get 6 people spread like this: any-any-64-63-62-61. Sync to the level 64 player and now you have 3 at 64. Depending on the jobs of the lower players this should work fine.
Now, you can grind the hell out of a specific mob and just keep syncing down as the designee levels. It should be possible to grab nearly optimal XP for like 80 grand worth of XP. Assuming your camp doesn't get overrun this could be a great way to level. And it should work on any syncable level as long as you can find players with the right level spread.
As for Maat, I've been thinking about skillups. I got quite a few last night but I didn't check to see if I was capped before I got the points. I want to find out if skillups can happen as long as your true level isn't capped, in the same way XP is applied to your true bar, not the capped one.
If so, I'm gonna wrangle me a low-level friend to sync me down while I beat on "safe" mobs with my club and shield. I don't have a clue what mob that would be but something with poor accuracy coupled with high def would be nice.
And then there's Campaign. As much as I've complained about the earlier bungling of campaign battles, I haven't had time to revisit the past. I need to though because it was pretty exciting stuff and fairly easy (but slow) XP when parties were unavailable.
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