(Nobody likes being stood up)
I logged in around 8:45 with plans to be on for 2 hours leveling something other than WHM. I chose SCH and flagged up and changed clothes. A while later I got an invite from Redpalminferno to a sync party in Qufim. I replied saying I wanted in, then sent another tell asking for confirmation on the campsite. I started running to the Outpost Warper, and hadn't gotten a reply. A second send went ignored. So I tried again: "I'm almost to the {Outpost} {Warp} NPC - do you still need me?" This time the answer came back fast... "Naah it's koo".
By now it was after 9 and I really didn't want to be up too late. I flagged down and resumed chatting in RDB. Then at about 9:30 I flipped over to GD. I said my hellos, then said "I'm bored and have to leave in about an hour. PL {Do you need it?} ^^"
Enz jumped up and asked for help on his PLD, currently almost to 13. I agreed and we met up in Konschaht by the crag. This was pretty straightforward PL action. I kept him Hasted and dumped C1's as needed, with C2's for the bigger hits. MP lasted quite awhile, even with the hasting. I only had to rest once, during which I closed up the house and swapped laundry loads. I also brushed my teeth.
Enz and I chatted a bit but mostly we talked about the mob action. Twice we saw Tremor Rams and after some consideration, we decided to go for it. I invited him, attacked and then cast Banish III on the first one to pull. As the spell landed, the ram turned right into a faceful of Light Staff and died. It was almost simultaneous. Enz was impressed and I felt bad that he didn't get to swing at all. I figured he might've gotten a skillup or two since the Ram was IT to him. I told him to loot the drops because I couldn't use any ram parts. He was quite appreciative.
Leveling-wise, most of the mobs we found in the highlands were EM or T and they died quickly. He's in the level range that I was when I realized PLD really does kick butt even soloing. We were thinking about a run into Valkurm but then Oneeye and another soloer shouted about the second Ram. We went for it since nobody else wanted it and this time I slowed down some to let Enz get some licks in. Then I got petrified... Turning away doesn't block breath-based petrification, it seems... I was worried he was gonna pull hate and die before I could cure or re-pull but the ram was close to death by this point and it died without further drama.
By now it was 10:30 and Enz was just shy of dinging again, so I stuck it out for 2 more mobs and then teleported us back to the crag. After congratulating him in shell it was bedtime.
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