(Seriously - please listen!)
In my earlier post I mentioned my objection to the whole "manthra" witch-hunt some people go on. After I wrapped up in Vana'diel I did a bunch of chores at home to catch up after AWA. The whole time, I stewed about it.
I really don't know why, of all the crap plaguing my fave pastime, this issue is the one that gets my cute Mithra nose all out of joint. But it does. Just after I took the "Lazy Kitties" pic, someone said something like "lol 3 Mithras". "Or is it 2 {Mithra} and a manthra?"
Look people - I am a guy in real life. I *play* a female char in a *video game*. Now, don't get me wrong - I'm not pissed because someone might think I'm gay. I don't give a fig what orientation *you* might think I have. My wife knows which way I roll. Even though she joked about me after I mentioned my cosplay plans. She knows the truth, and between her and I that's all that matters on that subject.
Aerin is female in-game. Once again, I'm a dude, she's a chick.
(I'm sorry to all who read this before I finished but you're gonna have to come back now... Tone, I'm looking at you ^^)
OK, to continue, I'm a guy. She's a girl. Still don't see the problem. I know there are lots more Mostly Men Online Role Playing Girls in our MMORPG. In any case, people who really know me online know that I'm a very calm player, not given to extreme swings in emotion. Except sorrow when I let people die as main-healer or tank.
But I'm seeing myself getting angrier and angrier whenever I hear that word. I'm even venting here, when I try to keep this a nice friendly place. I believe I'd never jeopardize my party's well-being and am given to heroic efforts to keep things going. The power over other people's enjoyment is what really has me hooked on MMOs. But dammit, if you want to test my limits, call me a manthra to my face when I'm main-healing or tanking you.
Next thing I have to say on this subject...
I am a guy. If you know that, and many of you do (especially in my LSes), then please don't go all OMGWTFBBQ later on. There are a couple of people who keep playfully emoting at me, and I know they know I'm a married dude. It's cool if you're knowingly messing around or if your guy toon likes my girl toon. No worries, they're little animated adults. And who doesn't like a little attention once in awhile? I don't even mind playing back when I know we're all on the same page.
But the reason I'm posting this here is I really don't want to keep harping on it in-game. In-game, I'm too busy trying to be the best party support I can be to worry about this kind of drama. Maybe more people will realize where I stand on this and either play along nicely or leave it alone.
I'm here to HAVE FUN, and help others HAVE FUN in Vana'diel. It's why I put up with all the cruft to get to that really great party or fun LS event. Or even just the screwing around in chat waiting for Beseiged. I love my friends and I love Vana'diel and I want to keep enjoying it with you.
hey dude i be looking for u on game but i never see u on
hehe - I looked for you earlier today too. Normally I play 2 hours a day, either 5:30 to 7:30 or 8:30 to 10:30 (eastern) depending on what I have going on IRL.
"I am a guy. If you know that, and many of you do (especially in my LSes), then please don't go all OMGWTFBBQ later on. There are a couple of people who keep playfully emoting at me, and I know they know I'm a married dude. It's cool if you're knowingly messing around or if your guy toon likes my girl toon. No worries, they're little animated adults. And who doesn't like a little attention once in awhile? I don't even mind playing back when I know we're all on the same page."
This paragraph amazingly shines the most among the rest. Though this probably sounds like I'm going quite off-topic (which I'm quite known for), why must almost all players make a huge deal out of our little charades in video games? \(x.x)/ The intelligence and wisdom of most unsurprisingly makes me wanna /facepalm and punch 'em in the face many times until their nose bleeds!
Excuse me... Sorry about that. c.c;
P.S: People who can play along with our charade deserve something nice... Like a sugary item of their choice~ [/Foamy]
P.S.S: I forgot about this nice thing about posting things on the net: you can proofread things. =_=;
hey lol i knew u were dude.. i read the blog.. i.. for one... have never been enticed by a female character or a female on the game lol. i am a married man but i been with my wife for over a year now n i been playin for 2 n a half years.. i talk to females on the game.. but thats bout it.. i talk to everyone.. but as far as that playin /em hugs /Mithra i never got into it.. didnt see the point. whenever i see u on i shall f/l u.. n i finished moving all the stories from the site to my blog.. i might even be doing like a continuation series.. n please.. dont yell at me.. i know the howling. ballista n panic r all not finished /ashamed.. i just got too devoted into books n havent wrote a ls story n like a year.. but if i can get readers i will.. /salute sir
/em and Vagustae share an understanding of the Universe!
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