(A bittersweet day...)
Today was my first day not reporting to the job I've held for nearly 3 years. I drove past there after dropping my oldest off at school and, while I'd rather e a stay-at-home lottery winner than toil at some job, the place had a lot of great memories. Imagine the best 2-party alliance you've ever been in, where everyone did their jobs and everything was friendly and smooth. It was like that.
That said, I'm using my week off to take care of various chores and car stuff. I also plan to grind hardcore because I don't know what my new work schedule will be. I got two long parties, one on WAR and one on PLD.
The first was in Qufim dining mostly on snips. I started as puller but later I was joined by Aeoros, one of our Dancers. We each called pulls as fast as we could and we hit chain 5 at least once and lower chains over and over. I went from WAR22 to 25 in this group, and mine were the only deaths. I gut Wight aggro and couldn't zone in time. And while weakened I pulled a Glow Bat which somehow flattened me with what in my log appeared to be simultaneous attacks. A very friendly Paladin helped me out.
I was the off-tank this time, something I rarely do. I tried really hard to watch MT Zanza's shadows and voke as needed to allow her to recast. For the most part we had a good rhythm. Well, I think so, I hope she agrees.
The second party was in the tower. XP wasn't as fast but we still had some fun. Weezybaby tried to give me advice which I resented at first because was no one said who was tanking and what the cure strat was (DNC, SCH, BRD) going to be. But after the party broke up I realized some of what he said I used to great effect. I refined my PLD hate-holding (ty Weezy).
This party's only death was Oliphant's when a link I was zoning that Chellina slept wasn't left slept. I saw the lullaby cast and turned back to the party to face my inital gob. The second one killed Oli when the others engaged it despite Chellina's sleep attempts.
Early on, I took a screenie of Aer, Shalashaska and Lelaela sitting in a row.

Aw. :( Male char and female IRL can be a bit tough as well. I had to deal with a "homophobic" player not too long ago; he's spreading rumors that I'm a "gay guy" behind my charade.
FFXI can be like high school all over again. Lol. ><; Very sad truth.
Come back later - this rant's about to get a whole lot bigger ^^
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