(Nervous but hopeful)
After what I've been seeing lately on the news regarding Hurricane Ike, it looks like Texas' low-lying areas are going to get hit hard, with some surge and wind risks further inland. Of course, I hope and pray nobody dies or is injured in these kinds of things, but then I don't normally know people in danger's path.
I'm looking at you Yalto and Aleu - Be safe and see you soon!
Meanwhile, in Vana'diel... The only thing I did was finally get Sufhi to 40. Also, while killing time in SSG I decided to try using up my Grotto chest key but as it turns out the main pop area is behind the silver beastcoin door. Not researching that in advance means I never grabbed one out of storage. I don't know if getting the map to SSG is worth the 750 an extra outpost warp will cost. Maybe I'll save it for the next time Windy controls the Lowlands. But then again I would love to free up the inventory space sooner rather than later.
While looking over alternate items in the AH, I got a PM from Silenthaze asking for a Tele-Dem. I had ignored his shouts because I was busy but he asked nicely in PM. Although the second part of his request threw me. He said my reward for the tele was "lots of love", followed by "legal 2 plz" I took too long decoding that and we zoned.
It was after landing and a "/sea all legal" that I figured out he was trying to get a friend along for the ride. Being the nice Mithra I am I warped, Ib-warped, freewarped and then met up with his friend. Who was kind enough to offer 1k for the tele. Both were very appreciative and I really didn't mind. Tele-Whore {Amateur}, remember? ^^
Tonight is date night but afterwards I plan to do a little housekeeping (moving any whole stacks of seals to Jeuno orb NPC, old gear sales) and Campaign. Then I'm going to hit 69 on WHM.
yea im tonerith on siren.. if ur on gimme a tell.. i will look at ur blog later.. im at work atm. see ya when i do
Well hello Tonerith!
Take your time here - this is more history record than interesting dramatic storytelling like your posts ^^ It's not going anywhere anytime soon.
I just do this mainly so I can remember all the fun I had, and with whom. There *are* some "diary" bits mixed in and those can get pretty dramatic lol.
I already read "Panic!" part 1 and I must get back to the rest soon - really great read!
hey hey thanks.. its weird i didnt think u knew of my blog XD but thanks for reading.. i been doing the ls stories but i quit to focus on novels like Abandoned.. i'll psot the rest of the previews along with the rest of the stories.. thanks for ur time.. n i shall send ya a /tell in game..
n ps.. imma comment whore.. so comment a story whether u love it or hate it :P
Well honestly, I found your blog from your comment on [GM]Dave's.
But every so often I try to find other FFXI adventuring blogs through Google and whatnot.
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