(A Fantastic Morning!!)
I didn't have a lot of time today because I was meeting some friends for lunch and then picking both kids up from their respective schools. So after rushing home post-Matt-drop-off, I logged in and flagged up on SCH again. An hour and a half later I gave in and switched to PLD. And got an invite in less than 5 minutes ^^?
(BTW, while waiting, I spent a lot of time playing MySQLGame, and submitting a lolcat to ICHC.)
Today's party was the kind of thing I wish I could bottle up and use when life is getting me down. Mourn led with Joye (are they an item? I dunno) and Highgarden, Sgtsagera and Daichin rounded us out. Mechanically, the party was almost flawless, with me tanking the hell out of our mobs and everyone else skillchaining, bursting or nuking like pros. Sgtsagera was on BST, something I haven't seen in a party more than a few times ever. And it worked really well.
Actually, aside from Daichin on SCH (and his friend Seiratan PLing us a bit), we were a melee-burn. 4 of us weaponskilled regularly and Sgt did once or twice. We never did pull off any level 2's (I don't believe) but it was cool watching all the chain/burst effects.
Drama came from a pair of Wights that either aggroed Mourn on the way back from a pull or just wandered into us, but either way I wound up dead from the Pug we were about to finish off. Screwdriver took me down more than 60% and a hit or two later I was dead. I was honestly too busy trying to figure out the wight angle to consider curing or 2-houring. As I lay dead, Seiratan tried her best to cure and the rest stuck it out, losing only Highgarden. I accepted Sei's raise mid-battle and did what I could healing-wise but avoided battle.
Once patched up, we eventually moved inside and took on mobs for about 20 more minutes prior to my lunch date.
What made this so uplifting as a party was the friendliness, inter-language cooperation (on skills and bursts, etc. as Dai was Japanese and High was German), willingness to work within my time parameters (I was in for over 2 hours, mind) and the fact that I felt genuinely appreciated. I usually feel OK after parties but this lot went out of their way to show appreciation for my performance and regret at my leaving. Mourn friended me and Joye even glomped me ^^
And I must offer sincere thanks to Weezy - I only lost hate a few times, usually after a skillchain. If this keeps up my PLD skills will rival my White Magery! P.S. Move Shield Bash macro next to self-cure - reaction time too slow! I only pulled off one stun the entire morning...
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