(OTOH, everyone likes a compliment!)
I was able to get the Nissan's brake rotors swapped out after dinner and done before 8:30. BTW, Pizza Hut's Pasta & Pizza deal is really tasty *nom nom*. At about 8:30 I logged in and flagged up on SCH. I had a pretty long wait, but I passed some of the time by OPing to the Dunes and trading a pearl to RDB's newest member Duhka, at Bene's request. The two of them were working on SJ items when Bene offered Duhka membership.
Eventually though, I did get a final invite, from Undeadcyric. This was an Sync party down to 12, with me as main-heal backing up Firekiss on PLD and the other melees. Ultimately, I was in this party for over two hours and things went very smoothly at the initial gob & lizzy camp. I took a short break when we moved camps for snips. About this time, Fire had to split but was very appreciative for my cure support: "I may be doomed for saying this, but... ^^" She went on to say that in most parties she dies quickly, but in this one hadn't died once. I really did appreciate it, explaining that WHM is my main and passion in Vana'diel.
However, on returning from my break, things got rougher. The snips were far less accommodating than the other mobs and Sen died almost immediately when pulls started. It didn't help that pulls happened while I was AFK. MP ran out regularly and twice I reached for my super-expensive, semi-useless Super Ether (but never actually had to use it). We had one pull where almost everyone was in the red, but we survived.
Later, Aristottle died. Dantanious and I rolled for Raise honors and I won. I think he thinks I lost, but nope. I felt bad about Ari's death even though we were kinda overmatched. I changed into my WHM finery and proposed to Cyric that I stay WHM and PL so he could get his level. However, in returning others were leaving and we broke up.
I took Sen and Aristottle to Dem and packed it in.
*Ding* SCH21, and my last update until Sunday night.
Sorry Fhox, 5-2 will have to wait! But on the bright side, RDB is filling back up! /joy
Next week I need to check in with GD again and see if Yalto and Aleu have made it back on, or at least passed along word of their condition.
whats rbd mean.. n omg im addicted to blogs lol
RDB (RedDragonBrigade) is my primary linkshell, run by Fhox. It was my first-ever some 18+ months ago and is still my main home in Vana'diel.
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