(I got to be helpful today!)
I logged in at about 8:15 and jumped right back in to SSG. I used one charge off of each pearl and killed 40 mobs with Sufhi, in about an hour's time. She's now halfway to 39 and in need of a new camp.
I stayed in GD the whole night as I didn't see Fhox or Isa all night. Fhox has been pretty under the weather lately. I could be missing them because of my new schedule, I suppose.
In any case, there was some general GD chat about LB2 and AF quests. I asked if anyone needed anything and at first I didn't have any takers. Then Dark said he wanted to duo his low RDM with Mrs' low mage. I don't think Dark likes the magical life though ^^
Yalto scored some more brownie points - Dark joked about fearing the bill for the PL assist. I may have missed a tell but basically Yalto said I was OK with it because I was nice like that. I joked that I didn't *have* to be nice and he zinged me with "You're too much of a white mage not to be." All I could say was "Damn, he's right..." Aleu lol'ed, but then again she'd been kinda giggly all night :P
In any case, I did PL Dark but I had to leave before Mrs made it out to La Theine. Dark was happy to get a level on RDM, to 8 and I stayed a little longer for him to get a buffer. I think all in all he got just over 2k xp in an hour of PL time. Not too bad that that level - it's just hard to kill things with all your skills capped low.
Also, I got my CafePress package today. I ran out and put the "Got Mana" plate frame on. I picked the "low on mana" version because I usually am in parties, and it's much more obviously a mana bar compared to the "full mana" version which looks too much like a solid blue stripe. I also got a mithra sticker to cover up the horrid "airbags are deadly" warning on my visor.
Yes, I am *that* nuts for FFXI.
And in job-hunt news, I'm supposed to be getting a job offer today. If that works out it'll be great timing because this place closes down in two weeks!
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