Aerinravage's GamerCard

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I logged on tonight, flagged up hopefully on WHM and very quickly took my flag back down. I wouldn’t have more than 90 minutes tops with a 6am morning ahead of me for Matt’s tour at Kirby-Smith.

So I decided to take a shot at the tele-taxi thing. That worked out very well – 11k in about 15 minutes. I even ran into Brandonn and three of his mates, but I don’t think he remembers asking me for a RDB pearl. And seeing that a Holy Shield was allegedly on sale in Jeuno again, I made my way there and was able to pick one up.

What to do, what to do… Fhox was on with another (!) new Brigader, Reonia. And Sunoco was on. And a Mamool Ja incursion was brewing, though only at level 1 at the time. I decide to teleport to Holla, ride into Sandy and level my Dancer’s throwing skill using my super-expensive Republic Frisbee.

At the crag, Furee made me wish I could D2 – she was shouting urgently for a home-warp first for 10k, then 15, then 20! Oh well… The ride to Sandy is uneventful and I soon find myself in my dancing shoes. I see Sunoco is in this area now too.

Running towards Ronfaure, I catch him and a buddy rushing somewhere. I wave to him and his buddy says “Popular much?”, and I lol Sunoco in PM assuming that was meant for me. They don’t stop but he does reply.

We chat a bit in generalities and eventually I find myself alone in the fields outside the castle working to make the most of my time. Oddly, Sunoco emails me a smiley and PMs one as well. I did ask him what was up, offering him the chance to ask me for help, PL, etc., but he didn’t say much else.

So I work out a macro to throw three times per click and while watching TV, do what I can against worms and a few bunnies and Orcish Mesmerizers. My best is three points. For about 30 minutes of work and super slow kills. Ugh… I don’t know if there’s a better way to go about this but I’m wondering if I need to focus on high-level worms or sub out RDM for binds.

Oh well, at least I have points in another skill!

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