Aerinravage's GamerCard

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Brighter, Whiter Days

I fell asleep early Tuesday night and never logged in. And last night, I hung out with Ape until about 10 and then connected.

I futzed about on BLM for a bit, heading to Windy (taking a free tele passenger along for the ride) to sell loot and pop the last Mog Safe expander quest. With that finally done, I can get back the 70k I sunk into that ugly Noble’s bed (once I finish the quest, just to be safe). I will still need to drop coin for the Raptor Mantle and Wool Hat my Moogle friend is extorting from me.

Anyway, I set out on Ninja to farm Yagudo Necklaces again. My Ninja will be level 12 soon and will need ninjutsu. I was doing well until I found myself getting gang-raped in the middle tunnel section of Giddeus (near the underground tunnel “band” that runs west-east). I took out one bird and used Mijin Gakure on another for a free deathwarp. To Whitegate >< I forgot to move my homepoint.

I run into the residence area and switch to WHM to tele back there when I immediately get not one, but *two* invites. Ladyblackeaglev got there first and I agreed to join her group when she said my time limit was fine. She wasn’t sure whether it was going to be Colibri in Bhaflau or Flame Worms in Mt. Zhayolm. Since the party wasn’t full I asked if it would be OK to run to Windy to dump the loot I was still carrying.

With her blessing I choco-ed my way to Windurst and used the delivery NPC to send the junk to myself, saving the time needed to trade with Nanaa Mihgo. On warping back we set out and had a very lazy, drama-free party for almost two hours. I pulled good XP and dinged 64. I also skilled up Enfeeb and Divine.

The Ninja tank only went orange once (maybe twice) and I did OK with the Haste cycle. Ladyeagle was on Bard so I had to stand at a distance. I did try something new – casting enfeebs on the Reflect-prone Colibri just *after* someone else does. In most cases, the target toucan was reflecting her madrigals while I spammed Dia after Dia. Very rarely would it reflect me instead of her, or simply reflect both casts.

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