Aerinravage's GamerCard

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Escort for Hire

February 22-24, 2008

As usual, another weekend blur. In no particular order:

Saturday night I wound up leading a Qufim Island party when the original leader was having trouble. Here I don’t mind so much because it’s easier (IMHO) than Valkurm and I know the area and camps pretty well. And for the first time, I was also the puller! I got to refine my ranged macro into a proper pull with party alert and everything.

The party did well but the XP was middling. We started in the lake and were chaining worms and snips but the XP fell off. Just before nightfall I moved us to the tower. While they lasted, the pugs gave us great XP but the pull interval meant short chains. I didn’t want to chain-pull because our Scholar, a Japanese player called Totyan seemed to be having mana issues.

And I swear our *two* RDM’s weren’t enfeebling much at all. I never called them on it because the mobs were still going down easily.

After about two hours Blazinbluntz DCed and Darker bailed on no notice. Blazin was supposedly rebooting but in the time it took me to rep Darker he hadn’t returned. And then one of the planned reps bailed IIRC. Gotta recheck my notes. Anyway, on the alert from the Scholar of 20 minutes remaining, I decided to throw in the towel at that time. Nobody at our level was seeking and Ape wanted attention. Of course, as we said goodnights, I checked the seekers once more and there were plenty now. Oh well. I ended with 1,700 to go until 23.

I finished the night online with GT. My first ever online race in the GT universe was on 2/23 (well, early on 2/24).

In money news, I’m nearly broke, again. I’ve gone from 40k to 5 in a hurry. I bought Sleepga, two knives for Dancer and the junk for my moogle. And the Cotton gaiters to complete my mage set which Dancer can thankfully use now as well. The mog safe quest ended so I rushed to sell the Noble’s bed for about 70k, what I’ve always seen them sell for. Bad move – they’re closer to 65k now which means I’ll probably be out the 741 gil seller fee >< And to make matters worse, I somehow managed to buy the Scholar knives… I put one up for auction but there’s too much farmed crap to fit the other one in, and I can’t afford the Dancer versions. Once I get the knives sorted I should be able to sell the Kingsom Cesti to recoup that 13k (or so).

I got Ninja to 12 and farmed 8 more necklaces and turned them in. I hope I’m close to Fame 3 now… I also helped out a new WHM called Sarefina. She was under attack as I was riding into the East Saruta gate but I couldn’t get dismounted in time. I Raised her and we chatted for a bit about playing, White Magery and other stuff. Then another Yag walked up and flattened her again. Another Raise and buffs and I bid her adieu.

Sunday night was basically one long escort mission. When I logged in early Sunday night Enziorian and I chatted a bit. She wants to take up clothcraft but can’t get to Windy. I offered to take her (thinking teleport and walk) but she doesn’t have her gate crystal. But I was feeling helpful and she agreed to do the Long Walk from Sandy to Windy with a boat ride in the middle. She asked if Alimahaj could come and I said sure.

The escort was largely uneventful with little aggro and no real danger. I missed out on the only excitement when, while on the ferry to Mhaura, a Sea Horror popped. I was hoping to take one down but I had to go AFK to deal with Matt and his due-Wednesday book talk we just learned about.

Otherwise, we walked and talked and both got the crystals for Holla and Mea. I blew the chance for them to get the Valkurm and Buburimu OP warps… Once in Windy I welcomed them to my hometown and gave them the two-dollar tour. They opted to stay in Windy so I went AFK and later managed to pick up a single 1k tele.

I warped back to Windy, changed to Dancer, flagged, and got on the airship to Jeuno. I then flew to Kazham and met Stoik waiting at the gate, on NIN25. I think he deleveled ‘cos I swear he was 26 Saturday. He’s been on a lot now that he’s returned. Apparently went through a financial crisis or job problem, and found out is girl was cheating on him. Fhox will at least be glad to see he’s leveling again ^^

Stoik and I both packed it in about midnight. I’ll have to ding 23 tomorrow and switch mercifully into my Cotton armor set.

And speaking of Fhox, I haven’t seen him in days. Wonder what new game he’s got now…

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