Aerinravage's GamerCard

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

New Friends

Today was kind of a “meh” day. I wasn’t up to partying so I met up with Enziorian in Saruta for some duoing, WHM14 and NIN12.

Turns out it was Alimahaj playing Enzio’s char, since he had leveled without her, irritating her. I told him I thought the fact that they were an MMO couple was awesome. As it happens, by the time I met up with him, she was back from school and took over. We made our way to Tahrongi and began killing bunnies, mandies and saplings.

The xp was pretty lame, even with some DC and EM action. To make things worse, she didn’t have an Empress Band yet, being at only 750-odd CP. I wasn’t faring much better on my band. I was getting 25-40 per kill and she said 15-20’s for her. At least they dropped pretty fast with my swords.

I did things a little differently with the job setup. Knowing I’d have Cure support from Enzio, I went NIN/DNC for the endrain. It worked pretty well too, especially once we moved to the northern canyon areas with Yagudo and Goblin targets. Endrain kept resting to a minimum except on EM and T pulls and she had enough MP to cover cure panics.

As we wrapped up near 11, I pulled a Dhalmel that took both of us deep into danger territory. She fired off Benecide and I used up my TP on my new katana skill, Retsu. It was close but we pulled it off and got pretty good XP. After we were done killing, I walked her back to the safety of the shortcut path and she logged.

After half an hour AFK I soloed the rest of the way to 13, getting considerably better XP. I knew duos nerfed xp but damn….

In miscellaneous news, Bene, Mag, Stoik and I are all 64-65. Still haven’t seen Fhox. Replaced the Decurion with a Merc’s Knife and I think I may replace the Poison one with another Merc, for each adds +2 Accuracy. Kingdom Cesti and Noble’s bed sold for a total of 88,222.

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