Aerinravage's GamerCard

Monday, February 25, 2008

Pushing and Pulling

Aside from trying to fix the mess with the knives versus daggers purchase and relisting the Noble’s bed for 3 grand less, I didn’t do much besides party in Qufim.

I had just changed my search comment to include pulling but I don’t know if Havocjr saw that part or not. I made it safely to the OP camp by the Tower close to my ETA and we worked on snippers pulled by our DRK Oron. Keeblr, a likely RDM, PLed us.

Once our last 21 dinged 22, we went inside. Keeblr was supposed to leave but wound up staying. Immediately upon finding a camp near the first intersection, Havoc asked me to pull. My new macros work pretty well, but the mismatched weapons I had didn’t. I was able to buy the Poison Dagger but still didn’t have the cash for the Mercenary’s Dagger. So I took my Small Sword for off-hand use.

Other than occasional bat aggro during long pulls, and a bit of confusion on my part when we switched to giants, there were no real problems. I enfeebled and healed, focusing my cures on the back-line. Keeblr seemed to be watching the front line more closely than the back and I could get cures in before he ever saw. He stayed for almost the entire party, leaving only about 10 minutes before we ended for the night anyway.

The party ended abruptly when my ClearWire box rebooted and I D/Ced. I got back in within two minutes but found an empty hall. Turns out Oron decided to pull while I was D/Cing, and the party had to zone. Havoc was apparently very pissed and after a tongue-lashing Oron logged out. I tried to say good night to everyone else (some were still on) and hoped to Havoc my pulls were OK.

I made it to within 1.3k of 24 and was finally able to shed the tacky Brass gear – hallelujah! About 6,500 more xp and I’ll hit 25 and need to do something else for a bit to avoid gimping.

One change I need to make is to add another pull macro for cases of aggro and links. I wasn’t as informative as I could be when I found myself being chased by something other than my target. That said, I think I was link-free not counting adds after the fact.

I’m thinking I may revisit PLD using DNC as the sub. I wouldn’t have aggro for awhile though… I really don’t want to level WAR ><

Oh, Enzio wants a ride back to Sandy tomorrow and I saw that Sunoco *bought* a Vermillion Cloak. I’m not sure if I should feel bad or not…

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