(I don't like being sick...)
Thursday after I played Ape kept me up all night with her whole-body version of restless-leg syndrome. Less than 3 hours sleep. And to top it off I'm coming down with a cold. So Friday, I came home from work and went to bed at 9pm and didn't climb out again until well after noon on Saturday.
I logged in a few times Saturday to chat and help Stoik with LB3. We did the Davoi leg and despite a rough patch getting through the Banishing Wall (note: orb use can be interrupted, get a voker to hold hate for a few seconds then run like hell). Both of us died but not at the same time. I was obliterated quickly trying to set the orb. Stoik was trying to figure out what to do when he got aggroed and I decided to test my luck by reraising in the middle of it. I got the orb in and ran through and told Stoik to follow. What I didn't know is that he'd been bound and by the time I figured it out to cure him he was dead.
Neatly enough, one can be tractored through the wall! So that's what I did. Stoik's comment on arrival: "What now, bitches!" I actually expected the orcs to follow but they didn't. After recovering we made it to the crest spot without any further aggro. Except when Stoik aggroed *me* because he never flagged the quest with Maat. I /slapped him for good measure but wasn't really mad. I was more relieved than anything at how smoothly it had gone with just the two of us.

After dinner and Death Race (really good BTW), I logged in to get a party on WAR. Another Qufim party later and pretty good XP, it was time to go. I'm 1k away from 23 on WAR and about the same from 24 on PLD. I blew another 30-odd grand on stuff...
Sunday was a slow day. Aside from chores in-game I spent most of the time with Aleu and Yalto helping them farm the LB1 key items. We got the bomb coal easily enough but the papyrus drop from the Liches in the Necropolis wasn't as helpful. I even took Aleu downstairs but had no luck. We bailed and gave the long way (entering from Beaucedine) a shot. We ended the night at the Vahzl crystal since it was late by now and Aleu had to work on Labor Day.
Monday was a 1-hour quickie with some chatting and Sufhi work. I finally got the Empty quest so tonight I should have a Tactics pearl to try out. If I understand it correctly, I get 4 runs, usable almost consecutively, which should be able to get Sufhi to 38 if I have the time. Fhox had better get back on or Raka will be playing catch-up for once!
And speaking of Fhox, I barely saw him all weekend. I dropped into RDB several times over the weekend but it was always empty, except for Raki showing up just as I was leaving Saturday night. I did catch Isa last night and she said she'd been off a few days for a break. Fhox must've been too.
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