Aerinravage's GamerCard

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

New Friends

Today was kind of a “meh” day. I wasn’t up to partying so I met up with Enziorian in Saruta for some duoing, WHM14 and NIN12.

Turns out it was Alimahaj playing Enzio’s char, since he had leveled without her, irritating her. I told him I thought the fact that they were an MMO couple was awesome. As it happens, by the time I met up with him, she was back from school and took over. We made our way to Tahrongi and began killing bunnies, mandies and saplings.

The xp was pretty lame, even with some DC and EM action. To make things worse, she didn’t have an Empress Band yet, being at only 750-odd CP. I wasn’t faring much better on my band. I was getting 25-40 per kill and she said 15-20’s for her. At least they dropped pretty fast with my swords.

I did things a little differently with the job setup. Knowing I’d have Cure support from Enzio, I went NIN/DNC for the endrain. It worked pretty well too, especially once we moved to the northern canyon areas with Yagudo and Goblin targets. Endrain kept resting to a minimum except on EM and T pulls and she had enough MP to cover cure panics.

As we wrapped up near 11, I pulled a Dhalmel that took both of us deep into danger territory. She fired off Benecide and I used up my TP on my new katana skill, Retsu. It was close but we pulled it off and got pretty good XP. After we were done killing, I walked her back to the safety of the shortcut path and she logged.

After half an hour AFK I soloed the rest of the way to 13, getting considerably better XP. I knew duos nerfed xp but damn….

In miscellaneous news, Bene, Mag, Stoik and I are all 64-65. Still haven’t seen Fhox. Replaced the Decurion with a Merc’s Knife and I think I may replace the Poison one with another Merc, for each adds +2 Accuracy. Kingdom Cesti and Noble’s bed sold for a total of 88,222.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Pushing and Pulling

Aside from trying to fix the mess with the knives versus daggers purchase and relisting the Noble’s bed for 3 grand less, I didn’t do much besides party in Qufim.

I had just changed my search comment to include pulling but I don’t know if Havocjr saw that part or not. I made it safely to the OP camp by the Tower close to my ETA and we worked on snippers pulled by our DRK Oron. Keeblr, a likely RDM, PLed us.

Once our last 21 dinged 22, we went inside. Keeblr was supposed to leave but wound up staying. Immediately upon finding a camp near the first intersection, Havoc asked me to pull. My new macros work pretty well, but the mismatched weapons I had didn’t. I was able to buy the Poison Dagger but still didn’t have the cash for the Mercenary’s Dagger. So I took my Small Sword for off-hand use.

Other than occasional bat aggro during long pulls, and a bit of confusion on my part when we switched to giants, there were no real problems. I enfeebled and healed, focusing my cures on the back-line. Keeblr seemed to be watching the front line more closely than the back and I could get cures in before he ever saw. He stayed for almost the entire party, leaving only about 10 minutes before we ended for the night anyway.

The party ended abruptly when my ClearWire box rebooted and I D/Ced. I got back in within two minutes but found an empty hall. Turns out Oron decided to pull while I was D/Cing, and the party had to zone. Havoc was apparently very pissed and after a tongue-lashing Oron logged out. I tried to say good night to everyone else (some were still on) and hoped to Havoc my pulls were OK.

I made it to within 1.3k of 24 and was finally able to shed the tacky Brass gear – hallelujah! About 6,500 more xp and I’ll hit 25 and need to do something else for a bit to avoid gimping.

One change I need to make is to add another pull macro for cases of aggro and links. I wasn’t as informative as I could be when I found myself being chased by something other than my target. That said, I think I was link-free not counting adds after the fact.

I’m thinking I may revisit PLD using DNC as the sub. I wouldn’t have aggro for awhile though… I really don’t want to level WAR ><

Oh, Enzio wants a ride back to Sandy tomorrow and I saw that Sunoco *bought* a Vermillion Cloak. I’m not sure if I should feel bad or not…

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Escort for Hire

February 22-24, 2008

As usual, another weekend blur. In no particular order:

Saturday night I wound up leading a Qufim Island party when the original leader was having trouble. Here I don’t mind so much because it’s easier (IMHO) than Valkurm and I know the area and camps pretty well. And for the first time, I was also the puller! I got to refine my ranged macro into a proper pull with party alert and everything.

The party did well but the XP was middling. We started in the lake and were chaining worms and snips but the XP fell off. Just before nightfall I moved us to the tower. While they lasted, the pugs gave us great XP but the pull interval meant short chains. I didn’t want to chain-pull because our Scholar, a Japanese player called Totyan seemed to be having mana issues.

And I swear our *two* RDM’s weren’t enfeebling much at all. I never called them on it because the mobs were still going down easily.

After about two hours Blazinbluntz DCed and Darker bailed on no notice. Blazin was supposedly rebooting but in the time it took me to rep Darker he hadn’t returned. And then one of the planned reps bailed IIRC. Gotta recheck my notes. Anyway, on the alert from the Scholar of 20 minutes remaining, I decided to throw in the towel at that time. Nobody at our level was seeking and Ape wanted attention. Of course, as we said goodnights, I checked the seekers once more and there were plenty now. Oh well. I ended with 1,700 to go until 23.

I finished the night online with GT. My first ever online race in the GT universe was on 2/23 (well, early on 2/24).

In money news, I’m nearly broke, again. I’ve gone from 40k to 5 in a hurry. I bought Sleepga, two knives for Dancer and the junk for my moogle. And the Cotton gaiters to complete my mage set which Dancer can thankfully use now as well. The mog safe quest ended so I rushed to sell the Noble’s bed for about 70k, what I’ve always seen them sell for. Bad move – they’re closer to 65k now which means I’ll probably be out the 741 gil seller fee >< And to make matters worse, I somehow managed to buy the Scholar knives… I put one up for auction but there’s too much farmed crap to fit the other one in, and I can’t afford the Dancer versions. Once I get the knives sorted I should be able to sell the Kingsom Cesti to recoup that 13k (or so).

I got Ninja to 12 and farmed 8 more necklaces and turned them in. I hope I’m close to Fame 3 now… I also helped out a new WHM called Sarefina. She was under attack as I was riding into the East Saruta gate but I couldn’t get dismounted in time. I Raised her and we chatted for a bit about playing, White Magery and other stuff. Then another Yag walked up and flattened her again. Another Raise and buffs and I bid her adieu.

Sunday night was basically one long escort mission. When I logged in early Sunday night Enziorian and I chatted a bit. She wants to take up clothcraft but can’t get to Windy. I offered to take her (thinking teleport and walk) but she doesn’t have her gate crystal. But I was feeling helpful and she agreed to do the Long Walk from Sandy to Windy with a boat ride in the middle. She asked if Alimahaj could come and I said sure.

The escort was largely uneventful with little aggro and no real danger. I missed out on the only excitement when, while on the ferry to Mhaura, a Sea Horror popped. I was hoping to take one down but I had to go AFK to deal with Matt and his due-Wednesday book talk we just learned about.

Otherwise, we walked and talked and both got the crystals for Holla and Mea. I blew the chance for them to get the Valkurm and Buburimu OP warps… Once in Windy I welcomed them to my hometown and gave them the two-dollar tour. They opted to stay in Windy so I went AFK and later managed to pick up a single 1k tele.

I warped back to Windy, changed to Dancer, flagged, and got on the airship to Jeuno. I then flew to Kazham and met Stoik waiting at the gate, on NIN25. I think he deleveled ‘cos I swear he was 26 Saturday. He’s been on a lot now that he’s returned. Apparently went through a financial crisis or job problem, and found out is girl was cheating on him. Fhox will at least be glad to see he’s leveling again ^^

Stoik and I both packed it in about midnight. I’ll have to ding 23 tomorrow and switch mercifully into my Cotton armor set.

And speaking of Fhox, I haven’t seen him in days. Wonder what new game he’s got now…

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Stony Gaze

I logged in later tonight after spending time with Ape and helping her with her class project. I didn’t really plan to xp at all. I had enough to do with selling more party loot, the Mog Safe quest, checking out Chucho’s BLM loaner gear and giving Nanaa four items worth a couple grand in exchange for a tiny bit of Norg fame and 200 bucks.

What I didn’t expect was a Besieged almost about to begin, from the Undead this time. I had enough time to get to Jeuno, pick up my moogle’s requested gifts, and then to Windy. I took care of the Yag necklaces, trading the mantle and hat, and selling more crap. I got back to Al Zahbi with about 10 minutes to spare so I hung out with Ape some more.

On returning I find myself surrounded by people powering up – I just missed the start. I left my flag up from the Warp macro and began making ready. I soon get an invite from Nagatna who tells me (paraphrase) “You stay with me, OK?”. Echoes of Vader maybe?

In any case, this Besieged would not go down smoothly. A Lamia 34 and a Medusa were killing everyone in AoE / Ranged attack distance and our group fell repeatedly. I managed to only double-die once, keeping the Imperial reraise scrolls or my own magic in place for the other deaths.

Other than completely ignoring the log showing Mrbill dying slowly in front of me (I didn’t realize he had moved to where Nagatna and I were) I did a fair job of healing and some hasting.

This Besieged lasted about an hour and at least TWO of our Generals died! I believe that’s the first time I’ve seen anyone go, much less two in one shot. The group defending Al Zahbi next time will have their work cut out for them with only 3 seals standing between the invaders and the Astral Canscendance (that can’t possibly be right).

Not long after, while sorting out my d-box Lori invites me to rep her but I have to decline. It was a little after 11 and I knew I’d never be able to make it to work if I had gone. I thanked her for the offer and continued cleaning house.

It turns out Chucho sent me six items: a pair of Black Earrings, a Black Cape, and Seer’s Pumps, Mitts and Tunic, all +1. A quick compare between it and my RSE in those slots revealed this: Seer’s has a +2 advantage in INT and MND, but RSE has +2 MP and +48 HP. I didn’t bother checking Dark defense or overall defense because I just don’t care about that.

The INT and MND boosts are pretty good at this level but I can probably find a way to get close using rings or earrings. As a BLM under a nuking role, MND doesn’t matter anyway.

I also took the time to upgrade VanaCalc at home to the new formulas. Enfeebling is at 85% while everything else WHM hovers near 75%. Elemental is all but capped while Dark is 75%. Club, Staff and Evasion languish in the 50-60 range while Shield, Dagger and Throwing are practically single-digit… These are all from WHM/BLM levels.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Brighter, Whiter Days

I fell asleep early Tuesday night and never logged in. And last night, I hung out with Ape until about 10 and then connected.

I futzed about on BLM for a bit, heading to Windy (taking a free tele passenger along for the ride) to sell loot and pop the last Mog Safe expander quest. With that finally done, I can get back the 70k I sunk into that ugly Noble’s bed (once I finish the quest, just to be safe). I will still need to drop coin for the Raptor Mantle and Wool Hat my Moogle friend is extorting from me.

Anyway, I set out on Ninja to farm Yagudo Necklaces again. My Ninja will be level 12 soon and will need ninjutsu. I was doing well until I found myself getting gang-raped in the middle tunnel section of Giddeus (near the underground tunnel “band” that runs west-east). I took out one bird and used Mijin Gakure on another for a free deathwarp. To Whitegate >< I forgot to move my homepoint.

I run into the residence area and switch to WHM to tele back there when I immediately get not one, but *two* invites. Ladyblackeaglev got there first and I agreed to join her group when she said my time limit was fine. She wasn’t sure whether it was going to be Colibri in Bhaflau or Flame Worms in Mt. Zhayolm. Since the party wasn’t full I asked if it would be OK to run to Windy to dump the loot I was still carrying.

With her blessing I choco-ed my way to Windurst and used the delivery NPC to send the junk to myself, saving the time needed to trade with Nanaa Mihgo. On warping back we set out and had a very lazy, drama-free party for almost two hours. I pulled good XP and dinged 64. I also skilled up Enfeeb and Divine.

The Ninja tank only went orange once (maybe twice) and I did OK with the Haste cycle. Ladyeagle was on Bard so I had to stand at a distance. I did try something new – casting enfeebs on the Reflect-prone Colibri just *after* someone else does. In most cases, the target toucan was reflecting her madrigals while I spammed Dia after Dia. Very rarely would it reflect me instead of her, or simply reflect both casts.

Monday, February 18, 2008

A Brighter Day

With the frustrations of yesterday’s disaster of a party and the personal stresses of recent events fresh in my mind, I logged in tonight early. I was able to flag up on BLM close to 8pm, just as the latest Deal or No Deal Million-Dollar Mission began.

I didn’t have to wait long – I took a quick break from BLM to run a teleport and then tele myself to Windy to sell off some of the crystals I’d been hoarding. But I was soon back on BLM and got an invite from Sentinal. He asked me to meet the group in Jeuno and that Altepa was our destination.

Turns out this would be a fantastic party. 3+ hours with no deaths and no reps. And next to no breaks in the pulling action. We were working initially with Sand Beetles and by the end of the party had moved up to a blend of beetles and Dhalmels.

As luck would have it, we were very level-tight. I believe 5 of us were 31 and within 1k xp of each other. The other was only 2-3k off. When the dings came they came in rapid succession and I think every one of us gained 3 levels. At least I did, going from 31 to 34 with a 540 xp buffer. I believe we ran close to 5k an hour which to me is a great rate, especially in the mid-game.

There was almost no drama and only 2 links that we dealt with easily. Other than that, the only drama for me was taking a short break at about 11 to sit with Ape for a bit (wink wink). After that quick(ie) break it was back to the grind. I was afraid I’d find a mess when I got back but nope – the killing machine that was Sentinal’s party had not stopped at all in my absence.

That isn’t necessarily a good thing…

In any case, I was getting a lot of skillups for Elemental Magic and a few for Dark. Elemental is basically capped but Dark is still underleveled at about 75% of its cap. I was able to get a lot of work done on my macros at least.

And in much happier wardrobe news I can finally ditch the Black Tunic! Full RSE FTW! Chucho even came on LS chat towards the end and offered to lend me his BLM gear which apparently consists of Seer’s items. I’m very partial to my RSE but I told him I’d give it a look-see.

As for BLM tactics, the last few parties have not spent time on skillchains so I can’t work on magic bursts. I know that’s going to get ever more important, as is knowing what elements to use on what mobs on which days. I need to look into my Enfeebs a little more to find if there are better matches based on mob or day.

/sigh - I have a lot to learn about BLM!
(P.S. – the Deal contestant took the offer of $440k but had the mil in her case. She started with 50% odds and made it as high as 67% but couldn’t close the *ahem* deal.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Dark Days

February 14 – 17, 2008

In Vana’diel, things have been grinding forward slowly. I got within 4.2k of level 64 on a couple of parties including one led by Fhox. I didn’t get anywhere with AF hands or body. I struggled all night last night to help Marlborokid with his party and wound up leading against my will. Finally got 6 people together (with me on BLM31) and fought Smithies in Yuhtunga for an hour and then died.

I even got yelled at by Reconusmc for blocking the Kazham gate causing him to die while trying to zone hate. I had just raised his party-mate Rebelmc and it took me a bit to figure out I was dealing with two different people. I moved and begged forgiveness. I was successful in resisting my urge to tell him to sod off and that he should have been more careful since I tried to help his mate survive, and not getting there in time, Raise II’ed him.

Fhox and Chucho are trying to help me learn the ways of a proper BLM and I’m fixing up my macros too. Chucho commented on my crossness and I had to admit today wasn’t a good day and BLM wasn’t helping.

But today isn’t about Aerin.

I really need to get this job thing sorted. It’s starting to affect my relationship with Ape. I’m getting very down and have been less patient with her than I should be. She has her own crap to deal with (Matt, schools, work, online classes, bills, shoulder, etc.). And I refuse to let this stupid job get in the way of 17 years of happiness.

I’m not getting anywhere on the traditional job front. Last night I started an Excel sheet of links for the major aggregators (Monster, et. al.), consultancies and stand-alone companies. I found a couple of consulting gigs I could ace easily but neither leads to a permanent position. I also found one permanent job with a tiny company involved in debt collection software.

I’m so miserable professionally that I am seriously considering the consulting thing again. I don’t know what that will mean in terms of benefits or insurance, but I’m not seeing too many choices. I’m also thinking about an overall career change but I haven’t figured out anything I’m good at that I can get employed in that would make enough to be worth it.

April thinks I’m a happy-go-lucky Pollyanna but that isn’t true. IMHO, she over-stresses about things she can’t control. She also takes a lot personally. I believe that because I don’t match her stress level that she feels I’m not taking things seriously. That was the gist of last night’s fight.

However, I take my family very seriously. I take my failures as a main provider seriously and hate the fact I haven’t been able to deliver on the promises of my excellent education or abilities. The fact that we haven’t made any serious inroads to a better life pisses me off to no end, but this latest job search just seems to confirm my fears. I’m past the point of no return – that is, I can’t start all over because the payoff would be too small. Ultimately of course, a major change could work but we wouldn’t last long enough to see that come to fruition.

I don’t understand how I can be so good at what I do but not be able to find someone who wants me to do what I’m good at. I know I probably could put more energy into the job search but working full time cuts down on resume canvassing opportunities during normal hours.

I desperately want to live a life where I work hard doing something rewarding while we live in a safe neighborhood and the kids get a good, safe education. And maybe where we have a decent prospect of retiring while we’re still alive.

I just don’t know how to make that happen. Every day I sit here wasting my life 9 hours at a time makes me want to scream and cry. This current situation is so pointless it’s sad and pathetic all at the same time.

People who work hard and do their best to be good parents and citizens shouldn’t be in this position. I believe in my heart there’s a place for me, but being able to find it, or sell myself to the right person at the right time is the challenge.

To make matters worse, I have to worry about the rest of the fam too: My dad’s job sucks but might be improving. Kevin’s sucked but his boss came around (for now). Ape isn’t happy with her prospects at St. Paul’s. Mimi and Gordon are post-retirement (essentially) but need more care than they can afford. Mike seems to be tolerating his job but prolly wouldn’t mind something better.

The big issue here is Mimi – where she’ll live and how she’ll afford it. It doesn’t help that she’s a mess credit-wise. Her staying with Cari and Kevin seems to be a strain already. At least she’ll be close at hand if we need to take her anywhere.

I know I don’t normally use this forum to bitch about personal problems but lately things have been getting very heavy and it’s better to get it out on paper where it’s easier to analyze and strategize. Hopefully tonight’s adventures in Vana’diel will be much more productive and I can write about that instead ^^

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Of Brigaders and Bribes

I did the usual tonight: Log in, flag up, tele-taxi and hope for an invite. Fhox got on a little later and we decided to farm after he asked me how much a Cursna and Stone III scroll are. Just as we were headed out to farm he asked me about my AF status.

Long story short, he said it would be possible to duo the hands quest, which involves farming a Beadeaux coffer key, opening a coffer and retrieving Old Gauntlets, running around Jeuno, and then the final fight with Dark Spark.

I told Fhox if he pulled it off I’d buy him a scroll. That was all it took and we made our way to the Quadav stronghold through Dem. It took forever but we eventually found one of the key mobs – an Ancient Quadav which Fhox said checked T to him. But clearly this was one of those cases where “seems Tough” means ITG.

He Escaped us and we went to Shakrami and Attowha Chasm to farm and skill up. We split up around 1am and chatted for quite awhile about WHM and RDM proficiency. I noted that a Besieged was starting soon but didn’t know if I was going to try.

But I did – big mistake. Not the Besieged – I auto-grouped with some Japanese, fought and healed, and didn’t die. I even got 1,500 xp out of it and dinged 63. No, the mistake is that Besieged started just before 1:40 and didn’t end until almost 2:30. /yawn

In any case, I was able to use the Protect/Protectra IV scrolls. I still need to update the macros.

I don’t plan to play Thursday in honor of Valentine’s Day with Ape, and needing sleep. To make my gameplay more complicated, I’ve also been playing CoD 3 Instant Action battles. Teamkillers suck.

I wonder if Fhox wonders where my money comes from, between having all my WHM scrolls, being able to buy him a 13k item, and the Vermy Cloak on my back. He has yet to ask about that particular piece of equipment.

I also don’t know if he knows what it does because once I switched to it in Beadeaux he kept casting Refresh on me to the point of going low on MP.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Random Updates

February 6-12 2008

I’ve had a very rough month at work and haven’t really had the energy to blog lately. My annual review went poorly and apparently one of my co-workers has been talking smack about my hours to my boss >< Also, I was told I’d have to put in a full lunch hour whether or not I chose to, meaning I can’t leave at 5:30 with the rest of the gang.

I probably forgot most everything but here’s what does appear in my memory:

• Partied with Artemico on Defoliators. Much better party than last Subterrane expedition but PLD got taken out by back-to-back hard hits. I tried to cover while the rest zoned and did the die-reraise-sleep-run thing. Had to be reminded about zoning all the way out to avoid a pissed-off mob tracking me down (I had stopped right at the zoneline to avoid resting aggro). This group included Espoira again.
• Got my AF hat finally! I had logged out sitting just inside the first door and on logging in later I find myself face to face with a high-level party doing an escort mission. A ranger looking for his AF was also loitering around. I followed the whole mess offering occasional cures but mostly watched this likely all-75 group decimate everything in sight. I wound up magic-aggroing an Explosure but got rescued. Once inside the Ranger beat me to it but 40 minutes later it popped back in the second gate’s area and I recovered my hat with no drama.
• Duoed with a Japanese WAR69 for the Jody’s Acid drop for AU12. Tried 4 Ameretats: killed 2/4, wiped on other 2. He got his drop right away, I recommended a disband after second weakness. Days later, Brandonn and others were commenting on being bored in Whitegate so I helpfully shouted for #12 aid: Brandonn and Jerf took me out and in 5 or 6 kills had three drops. Did I mention one of them is a high-level Thief with TH2?
• Got broadband last week – did back to back Besieged with no problems.
• Shell has been REALLY quiet
• Got Fame 7 in Windy but did not get Mog Safe III quest on Sunday. Need to soon to get money back out of the bed! Plus it’s just fugly.
• Did Gobbie V for 15.4k last night.
• Finally got a few tele-taxi customers. Nothing impressive but enough to pay bills.
• Saw Tii again while farming Test Answers. Hers aren’t showing in Jeuno so she’s offloading them elsewhere or through other channels. Latest Gravity sold for 4k.
• Tried to start Campaign but Maw in Rolanberry won’t take me. Did I go through Konschaht the first trip past-ward?

Also, I had what *I* thought would be a great enhancement that would foster more job mix strategy in parties and emphasize grouping (why oh why?):

• All jobs get an ability called “Dual Drive”. Level restricted, quested, etc. TBD
• To make it work, two people in a party have to have the same job, but one as main and one subbed. Or maybe both main or both sub with varied potency?
• In a narrow window of opportunity, both players activate the JA and use the same spell/ability/etc. on the same target (player or mob). The first player to activate is the “opener” and the second is the “closer”.
• Timed right it would be like a skillchain – increased effectiveness.
• Penalty for doing it wrong TBD – ability lockout?
• The attack/spell/ability boosted by Dual Drive would only count as one in terms of a skillchain or magic burst.
• Hate would be spread either based on the “input” efforts or by a formula weighting either the opener or closer.
• Consider allowing sub/sub drives to access higher-level abilities/spells based on an average of the levels: ( /x + /y ) / 1.333. Obviously, both would otherwise need to have access to the ability/spell if uncapped.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

“Let’s party yo!”

While working on the Windy fishing fame quest, I got a blind invite from Allicia. When I replied it turns out she already had a WHM (who replied to her invite just before I did) and other healing but said I could come in an hour to rep the first WHM. This was at 9:15 so I went AFK for 45 minutes with Ape and then came back at 10 to find tells from Vhanfanel (sp) asking where I was.

Neither he nor Allicia were on and no party leader at their level saw them, so the party must’ve disbanded. Apparently a clock-sync would’ve been good.

Soon after, got an invite from Manjina who seemed especially happy I had most of a full level before dinging – see post title. Tried a Colibri but we were too low. Roamed the far corners of the continent and eventually settled on Puks. They still suck, but we did all right. Slow XP – about 3.5k/hour. But Manjina handled my rep very smoothly.

The only death was mine when our puk blew me into another puk with its Wind Shear attack. Our ranger had to run for his life to zone hate from two mobs but he succeeded.

I continue to be amazed and annoyed how few WHMs I see seeking and how long it can take. Also, it seems pretty clear that the late-night mostly-Japanese crowd isn’t interested in me, presumably because of the language or nationality barriers.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Forward Progress

I learned something today – logging out with cloaking buffs on does not mean you log in with them still applied. I woke up in Garlaige in what I thought was a quiet corner. As soon as I materialized though some Funnel Bats aggroed so I slept them.

I relocated to a safe spot and began buffing, wanting to see if a {Gate breach} was going to be possible before zoning the hate but before I could shout for gate help, the bats woke up. And brought friends. I was dead in seconds.

Since tonight was supposed to be the big finale of the Deal or No Deal M$M, I left Aer dead hoping when I came back to check on her the bats would have found a new place to loiter. Eventually, they did and I was able to reraise, rebuff and try for some gate help which never came. Serentitty did show up, but she’s a BST and was soloing.

So I warped out, hopeful for some T-T action maybe. And while checking my mailbox, I found some money! Yay – I’m not a total pauper anymore! I also got a pair of taxi runs, for 1k and 5k, so I now had about 7 grand on hand. I put up the Gravity and Tests and decided it was time to pull my flag down.

I also decided to apologize to Whiskers. Thinking she was Japanese, I said {Hello} {I’m sorry.} {Raise} + {Run away!} + Whiskers {death} = {White Mage} {Amateur}. She replied with the O.o smiley then said, in English, that it was OK, just that she had had a bad night in the Citadel. Being me, I said it wasn’t OK, since I should have helped and not made things worse. But we both agreed Garlaige bites.

I saw Chucho in shell, who told me his recent absence was due to Call of Duty 4. We chatted a bit about that and Fhox’s God of War II diversion. I didn’t see any other Brigaders.

Giving up on partying and taxi runs, I decided to give a Windy fame quest a go rather than dump the Noble’s Bed only to have to rebuy it later. This was the Bastore Sardine quest for the fishing guild in Port Windurst. I got 4 traded before going to bed. I have 8 more then I’ll re-check my fame.

There’s also apparently an escort quest involving the protection and care of a taru who wants to explore…Garlaige Citadel. It’s a 10k reward with a 1 week IRL delay.

And in unrelated news, the Top Gear fellas did a show in America involving buying beater cars in Miami and driving them to New Orleans to sell. Assuming the cars survived the journey and the tests required along the way. One such test had the boys driving around Moroso Motorsports Park! First Pinks! And now Top Gear. Cool!

Sunday, February 3, 2008


February 1-3, 2008

Got AF pants with Areagon. Spent about 3 hours with him – had to farm 3 keys because he popped first coffer as RNG and got a hi-reraiser instead of pants. Got mine while he was changing jobs then I had to leave after a few further sweeps with his key in hand turned up no coffers. I died getting mine and he died sweeping the second floor. He got his pants later.

Skilled up a lot on club and magic doing this AF run. Also, lots of coffer competition and I handled aggro and bad situations very smoothly. Finally feel like I’m getting the hang of WHM support in close combat

Vermy cloak seems to work nicely – I like getting some MP back while running around.

Tried 3 times to get into GC Banishing Gate 2, finally succeed and fall out of area almost immediately

Opti helped Rekkimaru, Ulatti and me get in to BG2 – died on way to switch. Had to get Rekki for crowd control, tractor Opti then try again.

Raised Whiskers on the way in to BG2 and she died immediately – she either didn’t see or recognize threat from the nearby bats. Tried apologizing through auto-trans.

ゲートをあけるんですか – from Opti after his raise. I assumed it to mean “gate (obj) open (what/how) is?” JWPce and no English Google hits suggest my nod was correct enough to mean we still need his help opening the gate. Also sent {Gate breach}{Can I have it?} in auto-trans just to be safe.

No parties on WHM!

PLed Reonia for 2 hours in the Dunes. She dinged twice, no deaths, party did a pretty good job killing although they could have used more DD and the Dancer wasn’t endraining often enough. Some commentary between leader, Reonia and me about voking off me. Reonia thought they should pull off me for shield/eva skillups and I said it really depends on the party’s goal. Assured her that her big-picture view was valid. Refused her offers of a tip for the PL (despite being broke) giving her the WHM respect line and telling her to keep the crew alive in my absence.

Reonia is apparently looking to get into college – She had to go AFK a couple times to answer college phone calls

Tried one Besieged and got kicked out on DC, tried second already in progress and literally walked in right after the finish.

Flat broke after buying Noble’s bed for Mog Safe 3 – 16 gil. Can’t pay for OP warps, Ibwam or chocobos. Tried T-T several times in Jeuno and AU and made zilch.

Need to figure out what to do about the bed – 70k tied up on a fame 7 quest while I found out I only have 5.

Popped Gobbie V and closed LB4

Norg fame is only 2 – couldn’t flag the Tonko scroll quest. Supposedly all 6 scrolls are fame 4 but I heard several say they could flag at 3

Got NIN to 11 but didn’t try leveling it or DNC because of money woes – no way to get places fast enough… ><

Several common items are simply not selling in Windy and can’t sell recently-farmed Gravity or Test Answers because I can’t afford the fees, even in Windy!