Aerinravage's GamerCard

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Great Weekend!


The big event today was Shrek 4. I think all of us loved it. Bring hankies for the end! Late lunch/dinner was at Red Lobster, also good. We weren't officially celebrating, but C had very good news that will be finalized in a couple days! In fact, after eating we ran by C&R's new apartment for a quick tour. Very cute place, and the hardwood floors and kitchen counters/cabs are great.

Rushed home for 6pm ZM5 run that didn't start until after 7, but it's done! Ran until about 10, hitting all 4 battles. Got Opo-Opo necklace from last fight in Ifrit's, with plans to sell for money. Didn't know fight was in Gemini...

Also watched Celeb Apprentice finale - Bret took the win, although there was a lot of thought that Holly deserved it just as much, if not a bit more.



Out all day from 1-7. We ran around all day, taking care of gas, birthday stuff, two kid dropoffs for parties, Home Depot stuff and more. Then yardwork til 8, cleaning up the flowerbed and trimming and cleaning up around the yard. On XI until 3-ish. Eye Farming KRT with Ktulu, then Holla with KRT and Fhox. Spent time selling and sorting inventory.

Star Wars night, waiting for Ape! Saw end of Jedi, all of Hope, and most of Empire with the boys. Explained the 30th anniversary of Empire and the travesties in Hope's "special" edition.



Carabba's with Ape, sis/bro & Bran. Tried pollo rosa maria and it was pretty good but a little rich. Bed early.

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