Aerinravage's GamerCard

Monday, May 17, 2010


Ahh... Back to work... More cleanup, believe it or not. But more progress on my pet project. It's really coming along well at this point!

After work, I headed home to one of my favorite dinners. Don't laugh - I'm a simple Mithra. Hot dogs, mac & cheese and brown sugar baked beans. But this time, Ape added a twist (Shyamalan style?) with chili for the dogs. Omnomnom!

Not much else, besides family Simpsons time, dishes, and then DWTS. I remarked that Bruno looks fit to jump out of his pants tonight - "Calm down, Bruno!" But to be fair, Erin and Nicole were amazing. Aaron too. I kinda checked out on Chad whilst blogging. Sorry 8-5!

I was also distracted by tweets from Tycho: his remarks on a capella Metallica courtesy of Van Canto led to a bunch of 8-bit tunage, and then to an odd Metallica fan dance by renowned theatre performer Taichi Saotome. I could kill so much time "free-linking" on YouTube. Maybe that's why they get 2 BILLION daily hits?!

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