Aerinravage's GamerCard

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I don't care for Beastmaster much. But last night I duoed level 16 BSTs with Archer. That was fun! Turns out it isn't BST itself so much, it's the dedication to solo play.

We died a lot. It took us awhile to get a groove together but we finally did. I even asked Sufhi along.

In VE news, I'm 5/2/0 meaning five sightings, 2 claims and no drops. I was camping for a good while when I ran across Bersalia (sp). She'd been idle for awhile but on one particular run, she took off to the rock wall. I was already running down a fly and couldn't see anything where she was headed. Well, after engaging mine I ran toward her and saw... yup...

I didn't bother fighting my fly. I just watched her progress. And to my eye, it wasn't good. She and VE were about even on HP 60% or so, despite her efforts with DNC. I thought about what would happen if I let her die (assuming she did - she could've 2-houred or popped an elixir, or...). But that thought didn't last more than a flash.

I buffed and cured while she fought and she eventually won, without a drop. She thanked me and I logged out.

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