Aerinravage's GamerCard

Sunday, April 11, 2010

And I Thought I Hated Summoner!

Today, I finished off RNG. Ape and the boys were off with her sis' brood playing mini-golf and I had most of the day to myself.

Both Soho and Kush asked why I was even on RNG, and my party asked me, after we were done, why I was glad to be rid of it.

I think of all the recent jobs I've messed with, I felt the least helpful on RNG. My damage output was subpar except in the cases where I landed my Flaming Arrows or solid regular shots. I pulled, and in the Oasis, it stunk. I don't mind pulling in many zones, but two days in the Dunes cured me.

And to be honest, my run on SMN from 18 to nearly 22 was much more fun.

All I have left of my lowbies is BLU17 and BST17. Then I plan to focus heavily on DNC and possibly PLD. I think I want to work on my DNC AF assuming I can shed my Linen gear entirely.

In lolnews, Kingbobby asked my gender, saying I type like a girl. Heh. Also, Soho stopped by for a quick hi-and-a-poke before retiring. He was dressed up nicely in PLD whites.

Meanwhile, on AR, my 'boys wound up third and there was a LOT of heat between Brent and Caite and the girls. Also, the cops tried a punk move, attempting to steal the girls' cab but their cabbie wouldn't sell them out.

Hopefully before I go to bed tonight, I hope I had the time to finish my nails...

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